CMS Development

Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Elite
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Elite

How to set up display conditions for a field dependent on a boolean field


I have a relatively simple resource module. I have a boolean field "This is a video block". If the field is checked, I want the "Video URL" field to appear. If it's not checked, I do not want the field to appear. 


The display conditions options available are: 

Is equal to, is empty, is not empty, is not equal to, custom regex. 


I've tried a number of these and assumed the "is not empty" would work, but it does not. It appears all the time. If I use "is empty" it never appears. Screen Shot 2019-05-22 at 11.10.39 AM.pngScreen Shot 2019-05-22 at 11.10.32 AM.png


How can I make this work? Thank you 

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Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Elite
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Elite

How to set up display conditions for a field dependent on a boolean field


You can use "Is equal to" and put "true" in the field. This will make the field only show when the toggle is checked on.

Reg Desgroseilliers

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Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Elite
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Elite

How to set up display conditions for a field dependent on a boolean field


You can use "Is equal to" and put "true" in the field. This will make the field only show when the toggle is checked on.

Reg Desgroseilliers

How to set up display conditions for a field dependent on a boolean field


This text input should really turn into a true/false selector if the field in question is a boolean... or at least a tooltip reminder that boolean return "true"/"false". I always forget =\

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How to set up display conditions for a field dependent on a boolean field


@redbranchmedia @Reg ,


I find it odd that "is empty"/"is not empty" doesn't equate to true/false, but "is equal to" for true or false does works.


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