CMS Development


How to pass an ID

How do I pass an ID?


{{ contact.last_show_broker }}
{% set broker = crm_object("affiliate", 414750544) %}
{{ broker.firstname }}


The contact.last_show_broker property contains the ID

I need the set broker = crm_object("affiliate" ID to be what ever is stored in the property

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How to pass an ID

I'm not sure to be honest. If you return {{broker}} instead of {{broker.firstname}} what properties do you get?


It may be that you have to make sure anything you want to display is available in searchable properties in the schema. It looks like you can have one property in multiple property types, e.g. from one of the samples on that documentation page:


"primaryDisplayProperty": "model",
  "secondaryDisplayProperties": [
  "searchableProperties": [
  "requiredProperties": [



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How to pass an ID

I have this working now, but I am only able to show searchable properties. How can I display the other properties? Documentation here


For example I can show First Name and Last Name, but not Title?



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How to pass an ID

Cool, converting to an integer should (hopefully) work:

{% set broker = crm_object("affiliate", contact.last_show_broker|int) %}
{{ broker.firstname }}


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How to pass an ID

If you pretty print contact.last_show_broker what do you get? i.e. {{contact.last_show_broker|pprint}}

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How to pass an ID


Here is the output
(String: 447414060)

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How to pass an ID

Hi @piersg 
contact.last_show_broker is just a Single-line text string 

This does not work.

{% set broker = crm_object("affiliate", contact.last_show_broker) %}
{{ broker.firstname }}


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How to pass an ID

Hi @SStrachan, you say contact.last_show_broker contains the id so I'm assuming it's a dictionary with id and some other properties i.e. you would chain the id property (probably just called "id" but check that) to the end:


So, you just need to do

{% set broker = crm_object("affiliate", %}
{{ broker.firstname }}