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How to edit/delete event listeners for "Website pages"
Hello, I'm currently assessing my site's SEO performance using Google PageSpeed insights, and one of the apects of my page I'm being told to improve is using passive listeners to improve scrolling performance:
Can anyone inform me where or if I can actually change/edit this? Or if this is something that Hubspot sets automatically? Thank you in advance.
How to edit/delete event listeners for "Website pages"
The report is showing jQuery as being the source. jQuery currently does not have support for passive event listeners. It's been an ongoing issue for a several years now that they hope to implement a fix for in version 4.0 (but who knows when that'll be released).
How to edit/delete event listeners for "Website pages"
The report is showing jQuery as being the source. jQuery currently does not have support for passive event listeners. It's been an ongoing issue for a several years now that they hope to implement a fix for in version 4.0 (but who knows when that'll be released).