CMS Development


How to create modal/popup for external video


I'm quite new to this platform, and I'm having trouble finding information about actually implementing a modal popup that displays an external video.

Could someone point me to a tutorial or explain what I need to do to create the popup and then trigger it when an <a> link is clicked?



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ガイド役 | Diamond Partner
ガイド役 | Diamond Partner

How to create modal/popup for external video


Hey @MattOnce,


This javascript plugin is fairly easy to setup and has great documentation.

Besides videos in popups you can create gallerys, lightbox, etc. as well



It should be pretty easy to setup, my colleague recently wrote a blog post on building a custom module. The module mentioned in the blog actually uses the plugin above.


IF you have any questions on setting it up please feel free to shoot me a message


Jon Chim
VP of Design & Development
Hypha HubSpot Development

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HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

How to create modal/popup for external video


Hi @MattOnce ,


There is no default module currently available on the HubSpot CMS for a pop-up modal so this is something that would best be built within a custom module.


By building a custom module you will be able to specify some JavaScript that will display/hide your pop-up on a certain click. 


If coding is not your thing however you could always have a look through our Asset Marketplace to see if you can purchase a ready-built module that suits your needs. Here is one option that I found on a quick search!


I hope this helps 🙂 


How to create modal/popup for external video


Thank you! I will definitely consider the ready-built module if trying my hand at a custom module doesn't go my way.

0 いいね!
ガイド役 | Diamond Partner
ガイド役 | Diamond Partner

How to create modal/popup for external video


Hey @MattOnce,


This javascript plugin is fairly easy to setup and has great documentation.

Besides videos in popups you can create gallerys, lightbox, etc. as well



It should be pretty easy to setup, my colleague recently wrote a blog post on building a custom module. The module mentioned in the blog actually uses the plugin above.


IF you have any questions on setting it up please feel free to shoot me a message


Jon Chim
VP of Design & Development
Hypha HubSpot Development

check Did my post help answer your query? Help the Community by marking it as a solution

How to create modal/popup for external video


Thank you! I will check both of these links out, and I'm sure that between this and the above response, I'll come right.

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