How to create an option to hide publish date in blog post.
My customer is wanting the option to choose whether a blog post would show the publish date to the user.
I figure I could do this with Javascript but was hoping to avoid content manipulation post load.
One idea was to create a module for blog post settings but I don't know if I can access those variables outside of the module without Javascripting something.
Another option is to have something in the text of the post content that I can look for, say, at the end. Then I can parse that in Hubl and do my magic from there, but that sounds pretty hacky. 😀
mai 24, 20227:50 AM - editado mai 24, 20227:51 AM
Conselheiro(a) de destaque
How to create an option to hide publish date in blog post.
Hi @JBrower, I would add a boolean field to your blog template, which will show up in a blog post's editor, and then hide/display based on that:
templateType: blog
isAvailableForNewContent: true
{% boolean "hide_date" label='Hide the publish date?', value=False, export_to_template_context=True %}
{# rest of your blog template #}
Then wherever you're displaying your publish date do:
This will work if you have your publish date in a blog post hero module that is imported into your blog template or used directly in the blog template.
mai 24, 20227:50 AM - editado mai 24, 20227:51 AM
Conselheiro(a) de destaque
How to create an option to hide publish date in blog post.
Hi @JBrower, I would add a boolean field to your blog template, which will show up in a blog post's editor, and then hide/display based on that:
templateType: blog
isAvailableForNewContent: true
{% boolean "hide_date" label='Hide the publish date?', value=False, export_to_template_context=True %}
{# rest of your blog template #}
Then wherever you're displaying your publish date do:
This will work if you have your publish date in a blog post hero module that is imported into your blog template or used directly in the blog template.