How i can edit free theme from marketplace on my local machine
I'm new here. I want to create a website and knowledge base. I want to style this theme as per my own requirement. How i can download a theme from marketplace and edit it on my local machine?? If not, What is an alternative approach???
How i can edit free theme from marketplace on my local machine
Hello @lMall, you will need to create a child theme in order to edit its code on your local machine.
A child theme is a copy of an original parent theme. You can edit the child theme without altering the parent theme. You can create child themes from default HubSpot themes, Asset Marketplace themes, and custom themes.
How i can edit free theme from marketplace on my local machine
Hello @lMall, you will need to create a child theme in order to edit its code on your local machine.
A child theme is a copy of an original parent theme. You can edit the child theme without altering the parent theme. You can create child themes from default HubSpot themes, Asset Marketplace themes, and custom themes.