CMS Development


How can I apply my Javascript code to all members of the repeated members?

Hello everyone,

I created a drop-down module and put it in a repeater.

I wrote a Javascript code that works fine for the first object in the repeater. When I try to add another object through the repeater the functionality doesn't work for the 2nd, 3rd, ... and other reapeated members. 

how can I apply the Javascript code to work for all the members of the repeater?


This is the Javascript code:


/* When the user clicks on the button,
toggle between hiding and showing the dropdown content */

var button = document.querySelector(".dropbtn");

button.addEventListener("click", myFunction);
function myFunction() {

// Close the dropdown if the user clicks outside of it
window.onclick = function(event) {
if (!'.dropbtn')) {
var dropdowns = document.getElementsByClassName("dropdown-content");
var i;
for (i = 0; i < dropdowns.length; i++) {
var openDropdown = dropdowns[i];
if (openDropdown.classList.contains('show')) {

5 Replies 5
Recognized Expert | Elite Partner
Recognized Expert | Elite Partner

How can I apply my Javascript code to all members of the repeated members?

Not really sure what you're doing with the HTML... I only said to move the 'myDropdown' class, not change anything else. For brevity the code I provided was just a simplified version of the change, not the entire code. The entire code should look like this:


<div class="main-container">
{% for item in module.drop_down_group %}
<div class="main-wrapper myDropdown">
<div class="label">
<h6><span style="font-family: {{ item.filter_title_style.font }}; {{ }}; color: {{ item.filter_title_style.color }}; font-size: {{ item.filter_title_style.size }}{{item.filter_title_style.size_unit }};">{% inline_text field="filter_title" value="{{ item.filter_title }}" %}</span></h6>
<div class="dropdown">
<button class="dropbtn">
<span style="font-family: {{ item.button_text_style.font }}; {{ }}; color: {{ item.button_text_style.color }}; font-size: {{ item.button_text_style.size }}{{item.button_text_style.size_unit }};">{% inline_rich_text field="button_text" value="{{ item.button_text }}" %}</span>
{% if item.button_arrow_image.src %}
{% set sizeAttrs = 'width="{{ item.button_arrow_image.width }}" height="{{ item.button_arrow_image.height }}"' %}
{% if item.button_arrow_image.size_type == 'auto' %}
{% set sizeAttrs = 'width="{{ item.button_arrow_image.width }}" height="{{ item.button_arrow_image.height }}" style="max-width: 100%; height: auto;"' %}
{% elif item.button_arrow_image.size_type == 'auto_custom_max' %}
{% set sizeAttrs = 'width="{{ item.button_arrow_image.max_width }}" height="{{ item.button_arrow_image.max_height }}" style="max-width: 100%; height: auto;"' %}
{% endif %}
{% set loadingAttr = item.button_arrow_image.loading != 'disabled' ? 'loading="{{ item.button_arrow_image.loading }}"' : '' %}
<img src="{{ item.button_arrow_image.src }}" alt="{{ item.button_arrow_image.alt }}" {{ loadingAttr }} {{ sizeAttrs }}>
{% endif %}

<div class="dropdown-content">
{% for item2 in item.content_group %}
<span style="font-family: {{ item2.content_text_style.font }}; {{ }}; color: {{ item2.content_text_style.color }}; font-size: {{ item2.content_text_style.size }}{{item2.content_text_style.size_unit }};">{% inline_rich_text field="content_text" value="{{ item2.content_text }}" %}</span>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}


If this answer solved your question, please mark it as the solution.

Alyssa Wilie Profile Image

Alyssa Wilie

Web Developerat Lynton

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HubSpot Elite Solutions Partner
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Recognized Expert | Elite Partner
Recognized Expert | Elite Partner

How can I apply my Javascript code to all members of the repeated members?

First, you'll wat to change your "myDropdown" ID to a class, because there should never be multiple items on a page with the same ID.


Then you'll grab all items with that class using querySelectorAll and run a forEach with your toggle code inside so that it adds event listeners to each item.


// grab all items with "myDropdown" class using querySelectorAll
const dropdowns = document.querySelectorAll('.myDropdown')

// run a forEach on your dropdowns variable
dropdowns.forEach(dropdown => {
  // run your toggle code inside the forEach
  // replacing all document selectors with your forEach element 'dropdown'

  var button = dropdown.querySelector(".dropbtn");

  button.addEventListener("click", myFunction);
  function myFunction() {


If this answer solved your question, please mark it as the solution.

Alyssa Wilie Profile Image

Alyssa Wilie

Web Developerat Lynton

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HubSpot Elite Solutions Partner
Lynton's HubSpot theme Rubric now available. Click to download.

How can I apply my Javascript code to all members of the repeated members?

Hello Alyssa,

Thanks so much for your response. I modified the code and still didnt work. I may be need to made some changes to my HTML as well. would you please on that as well?

This is my HTML code and the modified Javascript code


<div class="main-container">
{% for item in module.drop_down_group %}
<div class="main-wrapper">
<div class="label">
<h6><span style="font-family: {{ item.filter_title_style.font }}; {{ }}; color: {{ item.filter_title_style.color }}; font-size: {{ item.filter_title_style.size }}{{item.filter_title_style.size_unit }};">{% inline_text field="filter_title" value="{{ item.filter_title }}" %}</span></h6>
<div class="dropdown">
<button class="dropbtn">
<span style="font-family: {{ item.button_text_style.font }}; {{ }}; color: {{ item.button_text_style.color }}; font-size: {{ item.button_text_style.size }}{{item.button_text_style.size_unit }};">{% inline_rich_text field="button_text" value="{{ item.button_text }}" %}</span>
{% if item.button_arrow_image.src %}
{% set sizeAttrs = 'width="{{ item.button_arrow_image.width }}" height="{{ item.button_arrow_image.height }}"' %}
{% if item.button_arrow_image.size_type == 'auto' %}
{% set sizeAttrs = 'width="{{ item.button_arrow_image.width }}" height="{{ item.button_arrow_image.height }}" style="max-width: 100%; height: auto;"' %}
{% elif item.button_arrow_image.size_type == 'auto_custom_max' %}
{% set sizeAttrs = 'width="{{ item.button_arrow_image.max_width }}" height="{{ item.button_arrow_image.max_height }}" style="max-width: 100%; height: auto;"' %}
{% endif %}
{% set loadingAttr = item.button_arrow_image.loading != 'disabled' ? 'loading="{{ item.button_arrow_image.loading }}"' : '' %}
<img src="{{ item.button_arrow_image.src }}" alt="{{ item.button_arrow_image.alt }}" {{ loadingAttr }} {{ sizeAttrs }}>
{% endif %}

<div class="dropdown-content myDropdown">
{% for item2 in item.content_group %}
<span style="font-family: {{ item2.content_text_style.font }}; {{ }}; color: {{ item2.content_text_style.color }}; font-size: {{ item2.content_text_style.size }}{{item2.content_text_style.size_unit }};">{% inline_rich_text field="content_text" value="{{ item2.content_text }}" %}</span>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}



Modified Javascript code

const dropdowns = document.querySelectorAll('.myDropdown');
dropdowns.forEach(dropdown => {
var button = dropdown.querySelector(".dropbtn");

button.addEventListener("click", function() {



Screenshot 2023-06-09 at 1.55.58 PM.png


Screenshot 2023-06-09 at 2.04.14 PM.png


Recognized Expert | Elite Partner
Recognized Expert | Elite Partner

How can I apply my Javascript code to all members of the repeated members?

In your HTML move the myDropdown class into your main-wrapper so that your grabbing the entire item, not just the content.


<div class="main-container">
  {% for item in module.drop_down_group %}
    <div class="main-wrapper myDropdown">
        <!-- rest of content -->
  {% endfor %}


Then in your Javascript
1. Your missing a parentheses on your event listener

2. Change document.getElementById("myDropdown") to dropdown

const dropdowns = document.querySelectorAll('.myDropdown');
dropdowns.forEach(dropdown => {
  var button = dropdown.querySelector(".dropbtn");

  button.addEventListener("click", function() {

If this answer solved your question, please mark it as the solution.

Alyssa Wilie Profile Image

Alyssa Wilie

Web Developerat Lynton

Learn HubL | Get Marketing Insights

HubSpot Elite Solutions Partner
Lynton's HubSpot theme Rubric now available. Click to download.

How can I apply my Javascript code to all members of the repeated members?

Thanks so much Alyssa.

I have modified the HTML code as follow 

<div class="container">
  {% for item2 in item.content_group %}
    <div class="wrapper dropdown-content myDropdown">      
      <span style="font-family: {{ item2.content_text_style.font }}; {{ }}; color: {{ item2.content_text_style.color }}; 
      font-size: {{ item2.content_text_style.size }}{{item2.content_text_style.size_unit 
      }};">{% inline_rich_text field="content_text" value="{{ item2.content_text }}" %}. 
  {% endfor %}        

I also change the Javascript as follow:

const dropdowns = document.querySelectorAll('.myDropdown');
dropdowns.forEach(dropdown => {
  var button = dropdown.querySelector(".dropbtn");

  button.addEventListener("click", function() {

I ran the code and still didnt work. I really appreciate your time and efforts.