Hi there! I would like to know if there's a way to get a listing of website pages using a for loop with hubl and some filtering. For example I would like to create a internal page for sales and marketing team highlighting all pages in a campaign. Another example would a front-page for all the features of our software, filtering all URLs with /software/ in their canonical URL.
I found many ways to do so for blog pages, but I can't really find a way for website or landing pages. I also thought about using APIs, but it would be quite complex to implement a backend solution.
There are several discussion threads on the Community r.e. this topic. I'd reccommend reviewing the solutions / insights below and commenting if you have any outstanding quesitons related to your topic:
Hello @FabioM apologies, I misread your question. Could you both please share links to your pages, links to the pages you want to list, and specific details about your goals / what you are trying to achieve.
Here we have some website pages with a common URL structure (../customers/case-histories/..) and we want a list of all that pages.
Right now I am using a js component and I am aware a HubDB table can be used to build that list, but if something similar to hubl blog listing markup would we available, I can get the same result without the need to update manually a table.
It's not so easy to clearly focus what page data would be useful in this context: page url, canonical url, page author, campaings, page title, internal title ad meta are essential, I don't know about other informations, such as template used or publishing status.
To use a HubDB to print pages with a loop I need to write the table first.
So my problem is: is there a way to create/update this table automatically without an external integration? For example: export a list of all pages with an API, parse the response and write all correspondant URLs in the table.
This is a viable way, but requires an external automation doing it.