Form customizations - adjusting submit button position
Hi – Wondering if anyone has had any luck positioning the submit button in a form inline with the rest of the colums. Inside of the form builder, you have the option to position fields to the side of each other, but not the submit button.
I'm assuming this can be done using css, targeting:
body .hs-button.primary, body input[type="submit"], body input[type="button"] {}
display: inline-block; doesn't seem to do the trick.
Form customizations - adjusting submit button position
Actually, I'd like to do the same but just with the normal form (adding it to Wordpress) Apparently, HubSpot now has the possibility to change the width in style but is for the whole form and not the button and other fields only.
Would be really valuable to have that feature for cases where there is only one field as a newsletter.
Form customizations - adjusting submit button position
Thanks for the thoughtful response. I'm afraid I am building the whole site with pure HTML / CSS / JS
When I implemented your CSS it moved the submit button to the right, but it is still not inline with the other form fields. Let me see if I can provide you with some useful assets...
Above is what I am trying to achieve, below is where I am at.
Form customizations - adjusting submit button position
Hi! I am still having issue with this! We want the sign up form of our newsletter to look like the landing page of Finimize -including the inline submit button.
Inspired by FinimiseI've tried pretty much every css and html header trick but I keep running into difficulties.
1) With the new GDPR, Hubspot places the privacy text between the field and the submit button. So coding tricks to wrap next line around field don't work as it just wraps the privacy text around it to.
Our clients are not EU so we really don't need GDPR text but we need to put if we want to subscribe people.
2) It work only in desktop; one method we tried (without GDPR) worked only in desktop by making email field very small. However for mobiile the text on the button went vertical.
If some could help us with this - we'd greatly apperciate it!