CMS Development


Filter HubDB content based on date

I currently have a handful of 'events' in HubDB where each event has a specific date. I then have two buttons on my page; 'past events' and 'current events'. 


My goal is to filter the events based on their date. So that when 'past events' is clicked, it only shows events with a date < current local time and vice versa for when 'current events' is clicked. 


I have referenced the docs but haven't been able to figure this one out:

This is my current code for the 'Events' module:

{% set table = hubdb_table_rows(2624607, query)%}

<div id="event-listing1">
<div class="list">
  {% for row in table %}
<div class="event-module">
  <div class="event-image-container">
    <div class="event-image" style="background-image: url({{ row["image"].url }})">
      <div class="course-oval-container">
        <span class="course-date">{{ row["circle_date"] }}</span>
        <hr class="divider" />
        <span class="course-time">{{ row["circle_time"] }}</span>
  <div class="event-content">
    <h3 class="event-title">{{ row["name"] }}</h3>
    <h2 class="event-name">{{row["title"]}}</h2>
    <p class="event-date">
      {% icon
        name="{{ }}"
        style="{{ module.icon_field.type }}"
        unicode="{{ module.icon_field.unicode }}"
    <p class="event-location">
      {% icon
        name="{{ }}"
        style="{{ module.icon_field_1.type }}"
        unicode="{{ module.icon_field_1.unicode }}"
    <p class="event-price"><strong>${{row["price"]}}</strong></p>
    <p class="event-description">{{row["description"]}}</p>
    <button class="learn-more">Learn More</button>
{% endfor %}

Here is a link to the preview page:


Here is a screenshot of the Table in hubDB:

Screen Shot 2020-06-25 at 12.35.22 PM.png

I have used both "date" and "date and time" and attempted to use both, but have not found a way to use either.


I'm a junior software engineer with experience working in React. Very little hubL experience. 

2 Replies 2
Guide | Diamond Partner
Guide | Diamond Partner

Filter HubDB content based on date

Hey @uConnect 


You might be able to use this HuBL above where you set the table

{% set current_dt = unixtimestamp( local_dt ) %}
{% set query = "event_date__gte="~current_dt~"&orderBy=event_date" %} 

 You may have to change event_date to the value of your date property


I followed this great tutorial when setting up something similar.

Jon Chim
VP of Design & Development
Hypha HubSpot Development

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Filter HubDB content based on date

Hey @jonchim,


Thanks for the response. I may be missing something here, but I'm not sure what that code solves here -- 

I threw this in: 
{% set current_dt = unixtimestamp( local_dt ) %}
{% set query = "event_date__gte="~current_dt~"&orderBy=event_date" %}

Changed my "date" column to "event_date" -- and changed it to type 'date'. 


So if I follow correctly, I created a variable called current_dt -- which is == to current local time, and then I created a 'query' called 'event_date__gte' which orders the events by date?


So doesn't this mean that without clicking anything, the events will now simply just be ordered by date?


To give more info that I should have previously; I'm looking to have all current events listed out on the page, but when I click 'past events' it shows the previous events so that users can go back and view old content. I think this solution does a good job of just making sure only current events or future events show up.