Embeddable Custom CTA Styling to Match Our Website
Hey guys,
I am trying to create a CTA button in HubSpot to match the "Download Case Study" button we have on our website:https://retireefirst.com/case-studies/city-of-grapevine-experiences-a-seamless-retiree-medicare-impl.... Does anyone know how I would go about doing this? I created a CTA from scratch and made it embeddable HTML so you have the CSS options. But, I am stuck and what I have now doesn't look very similar to what is on our website. Any help is appreciated!
What I built in HS:
What is on our website:
I couldn't find the button's CSS code on our backend in WordPress since I didn't build it. I couldn't find it in inspect mode either. I reached out to our team that built our website to see if they can give me the CSS code or point me in the right direction. I found the HTML code though - but, that didn't get me very far.
I also added in the code I found in our backend of our website relating to this button in the advanced editor of this CTA in Hubspot:
Embeddable Custom CTA Styling to Match Our Website
Hey, @CHautman Thanks for your question. Can you share a link to a page where the CTA styling you want is displayed? This might help our community members better understand how they can help.