Embed Preference Centre/Subscription Preferences on Website
I want to embed the preference centre on a non-HubSpot website and it seems I can't.
I tried putting an adjusted version of the PC code on our site but it kept crashing.
I tried recreating a HS form to 'act' as a preference centre but it doesn't seem to retain certain fields like the mult-select check boxes despite using query strings and setting the form to pre-populate with known values.
Embed Preference Centre/Subscription Preferences on Website
Hi @hattiefawcett, great ideas to create a custom form and copy/pasting the source code into your page. But they won't work since any pref-center (regardless which tool you use) is always tool-specific.
May I ask you why you're trying to embed the pref-center on an external page?
@Jnix284 is totally right - the URL to the pref-center is always user-specific and this can't/shouldn't be reverse engineered at any time in any way.
Just in advance: I do not want to spread fear or something like that but messing with the pref center is something that no developer should do. Just imagine follwing case: something goes wrong and one of the contacts sues you/your company over something the error(you never know who you're dealing with)... You really don't want to be responsible for this.
I strongly advise you not to try to "hack the pref-center" since this could lead to a lot of technical and legal problems.
Also - there's a good reason why even we developers are technically not able to edit the pref-center module. If we could, we would need to be made responsible for everything pref-center related. And this is just not feasable.
If you're trying to get the pref-center the easiest, safest and most common solution would be to modify an existing theme or create your own custom one so that the pref-center will match your companys look&feel. I'd say that almost every company which is using HubSpot (or even any other Marketing-Automation tool) does that. The few ones who doesn't do that don't care about the look&feel of the pref-center 😀
If you're working with a HubSpot partner agency ask them about creating a custom pref-center.
If you don't work with a HubSpot partner or they don't have developers and would like to have a custom theme with a pref-center with your companys look&feel - drop me a DM; I'll be happy to chat about this in detail.
Embed Preference Centre/Subscription Preferences on Website
Hi @hattiefawcett, great ideas to create a custom form and copy/pasting the source code into your page. But they won't work since any pref-center (regardless which tool you use) is always tool-specific.
May I ask you why you're trying to embed the pref-center on an external page?
@Jnix284 is totally right - the URL to the pref-center is always user-specific and this can't/shouldn't be reverse engineered at any time in any way.
Just in advance: I do not want to spread fear or something like that but messing with the pref center is something that no developer should do. Just imagine follwing case: something goes wrong and one of the contacts sues you/your company over something the error(you never know who you're dealing with)... You really don't want to be responsible for this.
I strongly advise you not to try to "hack the pref-center" since this could lead to a lot of technical and legal problems.
Also - there's a good reason why even we developers are technically not able to edit the pref-center module. If we could, we would need to be made responsible for everything pref-center related. And this is just not feasable.
If you're trying to get the pref-center the easiest, safest and most common solution would be to modify an existing theme or create your own custom one so that the pref-center will match your companys look&feel. I'd say that almost every company which is using HubSpot (or even any other Marketing-Automation tool) does that. The few ones who doesn't do that don't care about the look&feel of the pref-center 😀
If you're working with a HubSpot partner agency ask them about creating a custom pref-center.
If you don't work with a HubSpot partner or they don't have developers and would like to have a custom theme with a pref-center with your companys look&feel - drop me a DM; I'll be happy to chat about this in detail.
Embed Preference Centre/Subscription Preferences on Website
Appreciate you jumping in with further insight @Anton, I completely agree that hacking a solution opens up a lot of unknowns that could cause potential issues that really aren't worth the risk. A custom theme with subscription pages that match your brand should be sufficient.
@hattiefawcett if you're wanting to give users the ability to subscribe to specific subscription types, you could create your own form that has a property/checkbox for each of your subscription types and then use a workflow to connect their form submission with the corresponding subscription types - this would open the possibility up for having more control over subscription management without having to hack the preferences page directly.
If my reply answered your question please mark it as a solution to make it easier for others to find.
Embed Preference Centre/Subscription Preferences on Website
Hi @Jaycee_Lewis and @hattiefawcett from what I've experienced, it's not possible to embed a preference centre on an external website, or even a HubSpot website, because the URL is contact-specific and triggered via marketing emails. I've never found a way to surface preferences in this way, perhaps @Anton has come across a trick for this on the dev side?
If my reply answered your question please mark it as a solution to make it easier for others to find.