CMS Development

Membre | Partenaire solutions Diamond
Membre | Partenaire solutions Diamond

Email product related

I am doing a mail of related products, for each product line I am filtering by product name in a HubDB table, but I have a problem, I cannot operate with the varible line_item, I can only print it on the screen, but I cannot apply filters, compare the variable with another variable

{% email_each list="deal.line_items" item="line_item" %}
{%set productos=hubdb_table_rows(table_id)%}
{%set producto=productos|selectattr('name','eq',name)%}
Productos: {{producto}}
{% endemail_each %}

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Email product related

As per


"Please note that using filters on any personalization variables (such as but not limited to contacts, company, and deal variables) is not currently supported for email in HubSpot due to how emails are rendered. Filters can be applied to these properties on HubSpot CMS page and blog templates."

Équipe de développement de HubSpot
Équipe de développement de HubSpot

Email product related

Hey @Fernando_Aguila 

I know @kierana has been heads down with HubDB.  He might have some thoughts 😀

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