Email: Why is the Group Container Losing the Padding in Mobile View?
Why is the Group Container Losing the Padding in Mobile View for Email?
I am trying to add padding to a "GROUP" of modules in an email. When I preview the email in a desktop view then the padding is there, but when the screen is reduced to mobile size then the padding is removed. Is there a reason why the padding is being removed in mobile view and is there a solution?
Please note: In my example below (Please see images), I understand that if I add the styling directly to the Rich Text Module then the padding will still be applied in mobile view. The solution I am looking for (if any) is for when there is more than one module Grouped together and I need to add the padding to the Group Container. Thanks in advanced!
Step 1 image shows the Rich Text Module that has been added to a Group called Container. In Step 2 I added padding to both Custom Inline Styling (forgot to screenshot with the "px" added in after the 30) and Inner Spacing to the Container Group. Step 3 image shows the padding not being applied when the screen is reduced into mobile view.
Use your element inspector in your browser to monitor what the padding does as the screen size shrinks. I am pretty sure it is Hubspots default css taking control on mobile.
Use your element inspector in your browser to monitor what the padding does as the screen size shrinks. I am pretty sure it is Hubspots default css taking control on mobile.