I've been looking into creating breadcrumbs myself. To create a unique breadcrumb in HubSpot CMS using the menu module, I dug around and found the menu function which led me to the menu node variables
From here, I found the variables required to get exactly what I need to create my own custom breadcrumb. I just created the following and this should help you or atleast give you a good starting point.
{% set menu_id = module.renamed_from_id || module.menu %}
{% set node = menu(menu_id,"breadcrumb") %}
{# if node null means it's pretty much the home page, so don't display it #}
{% if node != null %}
<ul class="hs-breadcrumb-menu">
{# Add the home page in #}
{% if node.level > '0' %}
<li class="hs-breadcrumb-menu-item first-crumb">
<a href="/" class="hs-breadcrumb-label">Home</a>
<span class="hs-breadcrumb-menu-divider"></span>
{% endif %}
{# Add the level in between if it's level 2 #}
{% if node.level > '1' %}
<li class="hs-breadcrumb-menu-item first-crumb">
<a href="{{node.parentNode.url}}" class="hs-breadcrumb-label">{{node.parentNode.label}}</a>
<span class="hs-breadcrumb-menu-divider"></span>
{% endif %}
<li class="hs-breadcrumb-menu-item last-crumb">
<span class="hs-breadcrumb-label">{{node.label}}</span>
{% endif %}
- This includes HOME and will not display on the home page.
- To change the seperator, alls you need to do is:
.hs-breadcrumb-menu-divider:before {
padding-left: 10px;
As for the first line: {% set menu_id = module.renamed_from_id || module.menu %} You'll need to ensure the module contains a field named menu with the type of menu.
This should be good for up to 2 levels (ex home). EG
Home // About US (Top level) // The team (2ndlevel
I hope this helps you in creating the breadcrumb you desire 🙂 and if you need to add more levels, it should be pretty easy to add another if statement when using the menu variables.
Hi @SandyG1 did you get a chance to look at the code? I also figured out to use the HubSpot default Menu option to show the breadcrumbs with an option to show 10 levels but i dont have the freedom to format the different levels, for example show the current page normal and parent pages bold.
Thank you for the quick reply. So basically i changed the code for level 2 and was hoping it will show the third level. Here is what i just added into your code. But it just shows the ParentNode twice. I didnt find another variable that i could add.
I've been looking into creating breadcrumbs myself. To create a unique breadcrumb in HubSpot CMS using the menu module, I dug around and found the menu function which led me to the menu node variables
From here, I found the variables required to get exactly what I need to create my own custom breadcrumb. I just created the following and this should help you or atleast give you a good starting point.
{% set menu_id = module.renamed_from_id || module.menu %}
{% set node = menu(menu_id,"breadcrumb") %}
{# if node null means it's pretty much the home page, so don't display it #}
{% if node != null %}
<ul class="hs-breadcrumb-menu">
{# Add the home page in #}
{% if node.level > '0' %}
<li class="hs-breadcrumb-menu-item first-crumb">
<a href="/" class="hs-breadcrumb-label">Home</a>
<span class="hs-breadcrumb-menu-divider"></span>
{% endif %}
{# Add the level in between if it's level 2 #}
{% if node.level > '1' %}
<li class="hs-breadcrumb-menu-item first-crumb">
<a href="{{node.parentNode.url}}" class="hs-breadcrumb-label">{{node.parentNode.label}}</a>
<span class="hs-breadcrumb-menu-divider"></span>
{% endif %}
<li class="hs-breadcrumb-menu-item last-crumb">
<span class="hs-breadcrumb-label">{{node.label}}</span>
{% endif %}
- This includes HOME and will not display on the home page.
- To change the seperator, alls you need to do is:
.hs-breadcrumb-menu-divider:before {
padding-left: 10px;
As for the first line: {% set menu_id = module.renamed_from_id || module.menu %} You'll need to ensure the module contains a field named menu with the type of menu.
This should be good for up to 2 levels (ex home). EG
Home // About US (Top level) // The team (2ndlevel
I hope this helps you in creating the breadcrumb you desire 🙂 and if you need to add more levels, it should be pretty easy to add another if statement when using the menu variables.