I'm new to HubSpot but I thought I could get some advice and answers here.
We're looking to create a Customer/Contact Preference center. So a contact can view their Email subscriptions, opt in and out etc. I was planning on creating a template that uses the default HubSpot modules.
Would there be a way for the customer to access this page without clicking a link in an email they have received or would I have to create a bespoke page and use HubSpot's API to hook in?
The limitation with a custom email preferences page is that there is not an API to subscribe someone only one to unsubscribe, as you will see on this developers forum post. It was originally designed this way for security reasons. However, we are underway with a complete overhaul for our subscription management system and this is something that may change in the near future. Therefore I would advise you use the default email preferences page accesible through email only for the next four months or so, in lieue of the new communications control center.
@cbsembler, @paxton what would you reccommend this as best practice? I want to confirm the approach before connecting some designers to help with implementation.
The limitation with a custom email preferences page is that there is not an API to subscribe someone only one to unsubscribe, as you will see on this developers forum post. It was originally designed this way for security reasons. However, we are underway with a complete overhaul for our subscription management system and this is something that may change in the near future. Therefore I would advise you use the default email preferences page accesible through email only for the next four months or so, in lieue of the new communications control center.