Cannot get AddThis buttons to appear on my landing page
I'm trying to have my AddThis buttons appear on my landing page. Here are the steps I've taken trying to figure this out:
- Entered the AddThis code into a custom module (in the HTML+HUBL section)
- Added the custom module to my landing page template. No matter where I place it on the template (header, body, footer), it does not show up anywhere.
I've found no successful answers thus far from Googling and HubSpot Support says asking the dev forums would be my best bet. Does anyone know how to properly implement AddThis buttons?
Cannot get AddThis buttons to appear on my landing page
@Kevin-C Thank you, that was the problem! A colleague provide the AddThis code snippet, but I guess an AddThis tool was never actually created. Went in, created my share tool, copied the code snippet from the "Get the Code" section in AddThis and pasted it into the "Additional markup before </body>" section of my HubSpot drag and drop template.
Thanks so much! The share buttons look great on my landing page 🙂
<!-- Go to to customize your tools --> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
Below is an image of my code in the HTML+HUBL section of the custom module.
Cannot get AddThis buttons to appear on my landing page
@Kevin-C I put it in the HTML+HUBL section because I saw an example of it on this page.
Also for some more context, I'm trying to implement my custom module into a drag and drop template. And no matter where I place the module in the template, the set of social buttons never show anywhere. I've tried adding it to the header, the body, and the footer sections.
So after reviewing AddThis documentation I don't know if a custom module will be the best implementation and possibly the issue. Rather you can add the code to the tamplate its self.
When using the drag and drop template builder, at the bottom of the Edit panel you can paste the code into "Additional markup before </body>" sections. Image below:
If using Html/Hubl templates you can just paste it inside the body tag.
Cannot get AddThis buttons to appear on my landing page
@Kevin-C I just tested out your suggestion and I'm not seeing the buttons pop up yet. Here is a preview to a template I am testing this out on and screenshots attached of my AddThis code pasted in the "Additional markup before </body>" section.
I am seeing the script dropped into the page correctly! But I'm not seeing any error causing it not to run. This leads me to wonder if the setup on is complete/live?
Cannot get AddThis buttons to appear on my landing page
@Kevin-C Thank you, that was the problem! A colleague provide the AddThis code snippet, but I guess an AddThis tool was never actually created. Went in, created my share tool, copied the code snippet from the "Get the Code" section in AddThis and pasted it into the "Additional markup before </body>" section of my HubSpot drag and drop template.
Thanks so much! The share buttons look great on my landing page 🙂