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Sorry if this is the wrong forum, bu tI cant find the answer anywhere, and HubSpot will only chat or talk to you on the phone if you have a Starter or greater acount level.
My current problem is that I cannot change the company name in the Market Place Provider Profile. Navigate there via Asset Marketplace > Provider Info. Every time I try to change the company name and hit save I'm given the error "Something's not right - Sorry, but there was a problem updating your contact info. Please try again."
I'm unable to change it no mattter what. I've logged in and out, refreshed browser, emptied my cache, tried different browser, restarted machine, but no luck. Anyone have any ideas?
We have a similar issue in our provider account. There is a typo in the company name which we cannot edit as there is a listing by our team in the marketplace.
Our company name is Greatives Web, not Greatives(s) Web with double s. Can you please assist?
Our provider account is experiencing a similar problem. We are unable to correct the misspelling in the firm name because our team has already listed it in the marketplace.
Skynet Technologies USA LLC is the name of our organization; it is not Skynet Technlogies. Would you kindly help?
We have a similar issue in our provider account. There is a typo in the company name which we cannot edit as there is a listing by our team in the marketplace.
Our company name is Greatives Web, not Greatives(s) Web with double s. Can you please assist?
Hi! Sorry that you were having issues. I went to your profile and updated the information for you. Have toggled off for now. Let me know if you still have issues!
Hi! Sorry that you were having issues. I went to your profile and updated the information for you. Have toggled off for now. Let me know if you still have issues!