Hello - I'm struggling with how to properly apply CSS border properites inside of my module. I have the card background and radius sorted but I cannot figure out how to apply the border options. I'm trying to apply the border style, width, colour and opacity but I'm clearly missing something.
Hello! As there is no border field type, I would expect that you'd have a group "border" and then 4 fields in that group: style (select field) width (number field) color (color field) radius (number field)
Then your Hubl would be more like: border-style: {{ module.styles.border.style }};
Hello! As there is no border field type, I would expect that you'd have a group "border" and then 4 fields in that group: style (select field) width (number field) color (color field) radius (number field)
Then your Hubl would be more like: border-style: {{ module.styles.border.style }};