I have a seemingly simple yet very annoying problem. All I am trying to do is set a background for a div in a module that I'm creating, yet when I preview the module, no background ever shows up. So far I have tried:
With the image in an adjacent folder to the folder of the module I'm working on.
I have tried removing the quotes from my path, changing the amount of dots at the beginning of the path. I made a folder with an HTML file and CSS file and image folder in VSCode and tested it in my browswer just to see if I'd inexplicably forgotten how to set a background image, but the first thing I tried worked, so I believe this is some finicky issue with Hubspot that I am not aware of because I'm new. Sorry for the rudimentary question, but this doesn't make any sense.
With CSS things can get kind of wonky with relative links due to HubSpot's minification of stylesheets. I would try using get_asset_url() around your path to get an absolute link to the file (that is if this is in an external .css file, I don't believe HubL works in module.css).
On the screenshot you provided where your referencing an image field you're missing the url() around the path is why that one isn't working. Should be:
With CSS things can get kind of wonky with relative links due to HubSpot's minification of stylesheets. I would try using get_asset_url() around your path to get an absolute link to the file (that is if this is in an external .css file, I don't believe HubL works in module.css).
On the screenshot you provided where your referencing an image field you're missing the url() around the path is why that one isn't working. Should be: