CMS Development


Bullet point color is not changing with text


I'm a new Hubspot user and this question will probably seem simple to some, but the color of the bullet points within my landing pages are not changing as I change the color of the text that follows. The text after my bullet points are white, but the actual points will not change from gray to white, or any other color. Anyone know how to fix this? 

1 Soluciones aceptada
Equipo de producto de HubSpot
Equipo de producto de HubSpot

Bullet point color is not changing with text


setting the color of the li should change the color of the bullet. 

should be as simple as

  color: #fff;

unless the text was wrapped in a span that had a separate style attached. 


<li><span style="color:green;">I am green. my bullet is not</span</li>

need a link to page to properly debug

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Bullet point color is not changing with text


It's important to note that using the Rich Text module, adding a color style to text does not add the CSS to the block level element, rather it wraps the text with a span tag.  

So this list here with red text:

  • List Item 1
  • List Item 2
  • List Item 3

Looks like this in the code:

    <li><span style="color:red;">List Item 1</span></li>
    <li><span style="color:red;">List Item 2</span></li>
    <li><span style="color:red;">List Item 3</span></li>


and that does no good for content editors.  The li::marker will not inherit the color because the styling is applied to the span within it.  Content editors should not be responsible for using CSS to modify this. 

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Participante | Partner nivel Platinum
Participante | Partner nivel Platinum

Bullet point color is not changing with text


we can help you better if you can give us the link to the page, 
if you're familiar with CSS you can add this code

ul li::before { 
  color: inherit;

this also might affect other list items on your page just be aware of it. 


Bullet point color is not changing with text

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Equipo de producto de HubSpot
Equipo de producto de HubSpot

Bullet point color is not changing with text


setting the color of the li should change the color of the bullet. 

should be as simple as

  color: #fff;

unless the text was wrapped in a span that had a separate style attached. 


<li><span style="color:green;">I am green. my bullet is not</span</li>

need a link to page to properly debug

Experto reconocido | Partner
Experto reconocido | Partner

Bullet point color is not changing with text


Just to add some context to @valerajoey's solution. See here

Kevin Cornett - Sr. Solutions Architect @ BridgeRev
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