CMS Development


Blog pagination


Hello everyone,
I'm trying to add pagination to a blog and press templates. I tried using this example, but it only changes the featured blog post and not the listing. Any help is appreciated.


thanks in advance,


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2 Solutions acceptées
Expert reconnu | Partenaire solutions Diamond
Expert reconnu | Partenaire solutions Diamond

Blog pagination


Hi @jpineda91 ,


I use this code:

{% if not simple_list_page and == null and contents.total_page_count > 1 %}
{% set page_list = [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2] %}
{% if contents.total_page_count - current_page_num == 1 %}{% set offset = -1 %}
{% elif contents.total_page_count - current_page_num == 0 %}{% set offset = -2 %}
{% elif current_page_num == 2 %}{% set offset = 1 %}
{% elif current_page_num == 1 %}{% set offset = 2 %}
{% else %}{% set offset = 0 %}{% endif %}
<div class="c-blog-pagination-v2 u-flex u-flex-v-center u-flex-center">
  {% if last_page_num %}
  <a class="c-blog-pagination-v2__button c-blog-pagination-v2__button--prev" href="{{ blog_page_link(last_page_num) }}">
    <span class="c-blog-pagination-v2__button-label">Previous</span>
  {% endif %}

  {% for page in page_list %}
  {% set this_page = current_page_num + page + offset %}
  {% if this_page > 0 and this_page <= contents.total_page_count %} 
<a class="c-blog-pagination-v2__number {% if this_page == current_page_num %}c-blog-pagination-v2__number--active{% endif %}"
    href="{{ blog_page_link(this_page) }}">{{ this_page }}</a>
    {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}

    {% if next_page_num %}
    <a class="c-blog-pagination-v2__button c-blog-pagination-v2__button--next"
      href="{{ blog_page_link(next_page_num) }}">
      <span class="c-blog-pagination-v2__button-label">Next</span>
    {% endif %}
{% endif %}

Simply add it to the bottom of your blog listing code.

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Blog pagination


It looks like you're not using the standard blog contents loop e.g. 



{% for content in contents %}
{# post template goes here,  {{}} etc. #}
{% endfor %}



It looks like instead you're using:


{% set articles = blog_recent_posts(module.blog_field, module.count ) %}
		{% for blog in articles %}
{# post template goes here,  {{}} etc. #}
{% endfor %}



You wouldn't be able to paginate across blog_recent_posts. At least not in a straightforward way.


It seems your featured post is using the standard content loop. That'd be why it's changing when you add the pagination.

I'm not 100% certain but a simple fix might be replacing the second occurence of 

{% for blog in articles %}


{% for blog in content%}


profile2022aBarry Grennan

Freelance HubSpot CMS Developer

Website | Contact



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7 Réponses

Blog pagination


Hi @Teun and @BarryGrennan 
Thanks for all the replies!

I did not create the template, but with both of the suggestions, I will try to update the template to use the standard content loop and get back with an update.


I really appreciate all the help,


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Blog pagination


It looks like you're not using the standard blog contents loop e.g. 



{% for content in contents %}
{# post template goes here,  {{}} etc. #}
{% endfor %}



It looks like instead you're using:


{% set articles = blog_recent_posts(module.blog_field, module.count ) %}
		{% for blog in articles %}
{# post template goes here,  {{}} etc. #}
{% endfor %}



You wouldn't be able to paginate across blog_recent_posts. At least not in a straightforward way.


It seems your featured post is using the standard content loop. That'd be why it's changing when you add the pagination.

I'm not 100% certain but a simple fix might be replacing the second occurence of 

{% for blog in articles %}


{% for blog in content%}


profile2022aBarry Grennan

Freelance HubSpot CMS Developer

Website | Contact



Expert reconnu | Partenaire solutions Diamond
Expert reconnu | Partenaire solutions Diamond

Blog pagination


Hi @jpineda91 ,


I use this code:

{% if not simple_list_page and == null and contents.total_page_count > 1 %}
{% set page_list = [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2] %}
{% if contents.total_page_count - current_page_num == 1 %}{% set offset = -1 %}
{% elif contents.total_page_count - current_page_num == 0 %}{% set offset = -2 %}
{% elif current_page_num == 2 %}{% set offset = 1 %}
{% elif current_page_num == 1 %}{% set offset = 2 %}
{% else %}{% set offset = 0 %}{% endif %}
<div class="c-blog-pagination-v2 u-flex u-flex-v-center u-flex-center">
  {% if last_page_num %}
  <a class="c-blog-pagination-v2__button c-blog-pagination-v2__button--prev" href="{{ blog_page_link(last_page_num) }}">
    <span class="c-blog-pagination-v2__button-label">Previous</span>
  {% endif %}

  {% for page in page_list %}
  {% set this_page = current_page_num + page + offset %}
  {% if this_page > 0 and this_page <= contents.total_page_count %} 
<a class="c-blog-pagination-v2__number {% if this_page == current_page_num %}c-blog-pagination-v2__number--active{% endif %}"
    href="{{ blog_page_link(this_page) }}">{{ this_page }}</a>
    {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}

    {% if next_page_num %}
    <a class="c-blog-pagination-v2__button c-blog-pagination-v2__button--next"
      href="{{ blog_page_link(next_page_num) }}">
      <span class="c-blog-pagination-v2__button-label">Next</span>
    {% endif %}
{% endif %}

Simply add it to the bottom of your blog listing code.

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Blog pagination


Hi @Teun,
Thanks for your reply!
I tried the code but it does the same thing, it only has 2 pages and when I click page 2 it only changes the featured blog post and not the listing.





0 Votes
Expert reconnu | Partenaire solutions Diamond
Expert reconnu | Partenaire solutions Diamond

Blog pagination


Hi @jpineda91 ,


Can you share the complete code of the blog listing?

And are you using the preview or a live blog to preview your code? The preview can mess the pagination up.

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0 Votes

Blog pagination


I'm doing the changes on the live blog, here is the code

Blog template:

templateType: "blog"
label: "Blog Listing"
isAvailableForNewContent: true
{% extends "./layouts/base.html" %}

{% block hero %}
{% include "./partials/hero_blog.html" %}
{% endblock hero %}

{% block body %}
{% set content = contents|first %}
{% if (content && !topic) %}

<div class="blog-index">
  <div class="blog-index__post blog-index__post--large">
    <a class="blog-index__post-link" href="{{ content.absolute_url }}"></a>
    <div class="blog-index__post-content  blog-index__post-content--large">
      <h4>Featured Blog Post</h4>
      <h2>{{ }}</h2>
      <p>{{ content.post_list_content|striptags|truncatehtml(150) }}</p>
      <button class="cta_button red-pill-outline">READ MORE</button>
    <div class="blog-index__post-image blog-index__post-image--large"
         {% if content.featured_image %}
         style="background-image: url('{{ content.featured_image }}')";
         {% endif %}>
{% endif %}

<div class="blog-module-wrapper">
  <div class="blog-module">
    <div class="filters">
      <div class="filter-by-topic">
        <select name="topic">
          <option value="">View Blog Posts by Topic</option>
          {% for tag in blog_tags() %}
          {% set tag = tag|string %}
          <option value="{{ tag|regex_replace(' ','-') }}"{% if request.query_dict.topic == tag|regex_replace(' ','-') %} selected{% endif %}>{{ tag|upper }}</option>
          {% endfor %}
            let topic = jQuery(this).val();
            if(topic !='') {
              document.location.href='{{ group.absolute_url }}/?topic='+topic;
      <div class="search-articles">
        {% icon name="search" style="SOLID" %}
        {% module_block module "footer_brand_search" path="@hubspot/search_input", no_wrapper=True %}
          {% module_attribute "placeholder" %}Search Articles{% end_module_attribute %}
          {% module_attribute "content_types" %}{ "website_pages": false, "landing_pages": false, "blog_posts": true, "knowledge_articles": false }{% end_module_attribute %}
        {% end_module_block %}
    {% module "blog-cards-section", blog_field='{{}}', path="/xxxxx-IC/modules/blog-cards-section.module", label="Blog Cards Section" %}
{% endblock body %}


Blog listing module (includes your code)


{% macro blog_post_formatter(blog) %}
<div class="grid-item">
  <a href="{{ blog.url }}" class="item-link"></a>
  <div class="item-image-wrapper"><div class="item-image" style="background-image: url('{{ blog.featured_image }}');"></div></div>
  <div class="item-content">
    <div class="read-time"><time>{{blog.publish_date|datetimeformat('%B %d, %Y')}}</time> | {{((blog.post_list_content|wordcount)/60)|round}} MINUTE READ</div>
    <h3>{{ }}</h3>
    {{ blog.post_list_content|truncatehtml(150) }}
    <hr />
    {% if blog.tag_list %}
    <div class="blog-post__tags">
      {% for tag in blog.tag_list %}
        <a class="blog-post__tag-link" href="{{ blog_tag_url(, tag.slug) }}">{{ }}</a>{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
      {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% related_blog_posts blog_ids="{{ module.blog_field }}", limit="3", post_formatter="blog_post_formatter", no_wrapper=True  %}

<div class="blog-cards-module">
  {% if module.title %}<h3>{{ module.title }}</h3>{% endif %}
  <div class="grid">
	{% if request.query_dict.topic %}
		{% set topic = request.query_dict.topic %}
		{% set articles = blog_recent_tag_posts(module.blog_field, topic, module.count ) %}
		{% for blog in articles %}
		<div class="grid-item">
		  <a href="{{ blog.url }}" class="item-link"></a>
		  <div class="item-image-wrapper"><div class="item-image" style="background-image: url('{{ blog.featured_image }}');"></div></div>
		  <div class="item-content">
		    <div class="read-time"><time>{{blog.publish_date|datetimeformat('%B %d, %Y')}}</time></div>
		    <h3>{{ }}</h3>
		    {{ blog.post_list_content|truncatehtml(150) }}
		    <hr />
		    {% if blog.tag_list %}
		    <div class="blog-post__tags">
		      {% for tag in blog.tag_list %}
		        <a class="blog-post__tag-link" href="{{ blog_tag_url(, tag.slug) }}">{{|upper }}</a>{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
		      {% endfor %}
		    {% endif %}
		{% endfor %}
	{% else %}
    {% set articles = blog_recent_posts(module.blog_field, module.count ) %}
		{% for blog in articles %}
		<div class="grid-item">
		  <a href="{{ blog.url }}" class="item-link"></a>
		  <div class="item-image-wrapper"><div class="item-image" style="background-image: url('{{ blog.featured_image }}');"></div></div>
		  <div class="item-content">
		    <div class="read-time"><time>{{blog.publish_date|datetimeformat('%B %d %Y')}}</time> | {{((blog.post_list_content|wordcount)/60)|round}} MINUTE READ</div>
		    <h3>{{ }}</h3>
		    <hr />
		    {% if blog.tag_list %}
		    <div class="blog-post__tags">
		      {% for tag in blog.tag_list %}
		        <a class="blog-post__tag-link" href="{{ blog_tag_url(, tag.slug) }}">{{ }}</a>{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
		      {% endfor %}
		    {% endif %}
		{% endfor %}  

	{% endif %}
	{% if not simple_list_page and == null and contents.total_page_count > 1 %}
{% set page_list = [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2] %}
{% if contents.total_page_count - current_page_num == 1 %}{% set offset = -1 %}
{% elif contents.total_page_count - current_page_num == 0 %}{% set offset = -2 %}
{% elif current_page_num == 2 %}{% set offset = 1 %}
{% elif current_page_num == 1 %}{% set offset = 2 %}
{% else %}{% set offset = 0 %}{% endif %}
<div class="c-blog-pagination-v2 u-flex u-flex-v-center u-flex-center">
  {% if last_page_num %}
  <a class="c-blog-pagination-v2__button c-blog-pagination-v2__button--prev" href="{{ blog_page_link(last_page_num) }}">
    <span class="c-blog-pagination-v2__button-label">Previous</span>
  {% endif %}

  {% for page in page_list %}
  {% set this_page = current_page_num + page + offset %}
  {% if this_page > 0 and this_page <= contents.total_page_count %} 
<a class="c-blog-pagination-v2__number {% if this_page == current_page_num %}c-blog-pagination-v2__number--active{% endif %}"
    href="{{ blog_page_link(this_page) }}">{{ this_page }}</a>
    {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}

    {% if next_page_num %}
    <a class="c-blog-pagination-v2__button c-blog-pagination-v2__button--next"
      href="{{ blog_page_link(next_page_num) }}">
      <span class="c-blog-pagination-v2__button-label">Next</span>
    {% endif %}
{% endif %}



0 Votes
Expert reconnu | Partenaire solutions Diamond
Expert reconnu | Partenaire solutions Diamond

Blog pagination


Hi @jpineda91 ,


I do not see the loop you have to use to display your blog posts. It should look something like this:

{% for post in contents %}
// Render your blog card here.
{% endfor %}

If you use this, your code should work.

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