CMS Development


Beta Design Manager module_asset_url() not working

Trying to access an image uploaded into a custom module. Image is uploaded with name 'next.jpg'. Trying to access and set it as a background image in the CSS with:

background-image:  url({{ module_asset_url('next.png') }});

per the documentation. However, it isn't being read in the preview page. Inspect element shows it coming up as: 

background-image: url({{ module_asset_url%28'next.png'%29 }})

So the parentheses are being replaced by HTML encoding.

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Expert reconnu | Partenaire solutions Elite
Expert reconnu | Partenaire solutions Elite

Beta Design Manager module_asset_url() not working

You can only use module_asset_url in a custom module in the template. If you are trying to use it in the page editor, you are probably going to run into issues. 

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Beta Design Manager module_asset_url() not working

Not quite sure what you mean. I am using it in a custom module and viewing it in the preview next to 'Publish Changes'

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