We can't find in the public documentation where you expose something like a method similar to 'onformsubmit' but built to allow us to catch the issues or errors with form submissions. Does something like that exist? Any ideas?
Certainly! It seems like you're looking for a way to handle errors or issues with form submissions in a manner similar to the "onformsubmit" method. While there might not be a direct equivalent in public documentation, there are several approaches you can consider. One option is to utilize JavaScript to add event listeners to your form elements, listening for events such as "submit" or "change". When a form is submitted, you can then validate the input fields and handle any errors or issues accordingly, perhaps by displaying error messages to the user or logging them for further analysis. Additionally, you can leverage server-side validation to ensure data integrity and handle any errors that occur during the form submission process. By combining client-side and server-side validation techniques, you can create a robust system for capturing and addressing issues with form submissions effectively.
It seems you're seeking a method similar to 'onformsubmit' that allows you to catch issues or errors with form submissions. While such a built-in method may not exist in public documentation, you could consider implementing custom error handling mechanisms using JavaScript or server-side scripting languages. This approach would involve validating form inputs and handling any errors or issues that arise during the submission process. Additionally, exploring third-party libraries or frameworks tailored for form validation and error handling may provide further insights and solutions.