Adjusting Mobile Media Queries in Stylesheet for Website
Hey everyone,
I am looking for a little help with adjusting the mobile media queries in the stylesheet for a website I manage. I am not fluent in HubL or coding in general so any help I can get here is greatly appreciated.
Currently I am experiencing problems with content being cutoff on certain pages, such as text, headers, and images. The peculiar thing about this issue is that it is happening everywhere except for the blog page. So maybe the key to making it all the same is somwhere in the blog page stylesheet.
Either way I have been trying to fix this issue for a whie with no luck, so I'll take any help I can get.
I can attach any sections of code that you want to look at or specific pages. Please let me know.
Adjusting Mobile Media Queries in Stylesheet for Website
@bstock98 looks like you have a stray "f" in your stylesheet which is causing issues with the next style (the box-sizing which affects everything on the page). Remove the stray "f" and you should see the bugs go away.
Adjusting Mobile Media Queries in Stylesheet for Website
@bstock98 looks like you have a stray "f" in your stylesheet which is causing issues with the next style (the box-sizing which affects everything on the page). Remove the stray "f" and you should see the bugs go away.
Adjusting Mobile Media Queries in Stylesheet for Website
You are amazing!
Thank you so much for finding that. I have been pouring throught that stylesheet for weeks trying to figure out what the issue was. It is always the smallest thing that causes the biggest problem.