I need to add links to some images on our website, but it is not possible to do that on the page editing level. There isn't a field to add those links in the interface. How can I do that in design manager?
No worries, if you're not familiar with the COS/coding it can take a little bit to pick up!
In custom modules, you have the option to add fields on the right-hand side:
In the screenshot above, I've cliked on "Add field" and added a Text field which I've called "Image URL" (you can see below it labels it image_url), which is where HubSpot pulls the URL from in the code:
ago 10, 201810:43 AM - editado ago 10, 201810:44 AM
Conselheiro(a) de destaque
Adding links to pictures on website
Hi there!
You should be able to do so from the page editing level:
If it's an Image module, click on it and you will see a "Link (optional)" field on the sidebar.
If it's a Rich Text module, click on the image and then click on the "Insert/edit link" option on the toolbar and it should let you insert a link around that image.
Alternatively, on the Rich Text module you can click on "Source code" option on the toolbar (it looks like this "</>") and, around the image tag:
If it's neither type of module, let us know what type of module is being used or send a link to the page/page preview and we can take a look into how to edit it from the Design Manager.
It is not an image module or a rich text model. I cannot click on an individual picture. All pictures are inside a model field and when I click on the field a toolbar appears on the left side where I can add more pictures or change those pictures but there isn't a place to add links to those pictures.
The toolbar to change pictures is shown in the picture below:
That looks like it's an image field in a custom module. Those don't have a link option by default so it would need to be added to the custom module itself.
On the custom module, you can add in another field for the image link and then wrap it around the image code. If you have something like this:
Making the change will require some basic coding knowledge so, if you're unsure, I'd recommend checking in with your developer or asking for help from one of the freelancers on the community.
No worries, if you're not familiar with the COS/coding it can take a little bit to pick up!
In custom modules, you have the option to add fields on the right-hand side:
In the screenshot above, I've cliked on "Add field" and added a Text field which I've called "Image URL" (you can see below it labels it image_url), which is where HubSpot pulls the URL from in the code: