Hi all. I am having an issue with an unpublished blog post preview link getting traffic. The blog post itself had been unpublished/set to draft for a long time, and a URL redirect added to point visits to a more relvant webpage. My problem is t read more
Hello. I've been sharing EDM for each product update to our subscribed user base. I want to add links to previous EDMs on a "product updates' page in our application. How do I do that? Thanks for your help.
Hi, I created a landing page using the HubSpot Landing Page Builder, but I encountered an issue with how it displays on mobile devices. In the editor, everything looks fine, and the padding appears normal. The same goes for the mobile preview when a read more
My orginization used a HubDB for a table on our website. This is a large table of around 1500 rows, so it's being limited by Hubspots table limit of 1000. What would be the easiest way to extend this limit? So far most of my research involves custo read more
Im trying to get a youtube video to autoplay in a blog we have. This is the code im putting in and its not autoplaying. Does anyone know what im missing? Thanks! <div class="hs-responsive-embed-wrapper hs-responsive-embed" style="width: 100% read more
Hi, I've searched this community and internet in general, but cannot find a solution to it. Our Website in HubSpot CMS is almost finished. We are using starter plattform. I have uploaded a webm video and actived additional options. I have th read more
Hi @LReers ,
If you're referring to these options explained here... https://knowledge.hubspot.com/website-and-landing-pages/add-videos-to-hub...read more
Hey, I am trying to write an article for my blog, and I wanted to add some images in to space things out a bit. I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to add an image, but leave room to the side of it for text. The default way is I can add a read more
Hey @CCioc ,
while you can add an image via rich-text, I don't recommend it. Du to how the blog drag&drop works, I'd recommend to create a ...read more
Hi @PSquared I'm not able to recreate the issue with blank menu items like this, what happens if you clear cache or log out and back in?
Is ther...read more
Hi @SMomo ,
For 30 records, it'll be fastest to simply merge those manually: https://knowledge.hubspot.com/records/merge-records – this will...read more
Hi there, I just transferred my site from squarespace to hubspot and am having issues with 404 error showing. Funny enough my chatbot shows even though the 404 error is being thrown. Any help/insight would be appreciated. Thanks! -Sam
I have a product listing page that leverages dynamic pages with custom objects. The query runs a filter to only select products with an in_stock value of TRUE. My issue is that the products that are not in stock are still getting indexed and are r read more
Hello Team, We have been facing an issue building Article Insights in our Knowledge Base for a few weeks. The error showing is " There was a problem building your report. Please try again in a minute." We tried to change the report criteri read more
@mrazdan - I suggest this is a question best placed to HubSpot Support, from within your portal. My first thought would be that there is too much...read more