Olá pessoal! Estou tentando conectar meu domínio, mas não consigo. Já criei o regitro CNAME conforme solicitado pela hubspot e incluse já falei com o suporte técnico da hospedagem e está tudo certo. Mas no Husbspot fala que houve um erro de di read more
Hey @KMcMullen this is added due to your language settings. If you navigate to your language settings you need to ensure the "use prefix in slug" s...read more
We have our domain, but it still shows the "EN_US" slug, even though all language settings are set to English (United States), and we've turned off the language settings. I'm unsure how to remove this suffix from the root domain. Right now, we're ge read more
@CommunityFriend thanks for the update, I'm glad you got it resolved.
For anyone else with the same issue:
1 - Update the global language sett...read more
I created my original Hubspot account with a compn ay name EIP MGT Limited, but over 1 year ago I moved that company to Europe and its name changed to EIP MGT GmbH, which I changed in trhe Acocunt Defaults under Compnay information. The issue I am read more
I'm hoping someone can help me. I have an issue where my website at https://englishdev.chat is responding with a 404 error. It wasn't working for a couple of days then I managed to get it to work yesterday and now it's back to 404. My doma read more
@AndreV I tagged you in another post that is more recent where the issue has been resolved for my site as of 2 hours ago - still TBD if it was a gl...read more
Is there any way to disable or block access to pages/emails for private content? (/content-membership/all-domains/basics)? We don't use these, but I can see from the activity logs that people have still managed to find/access these pages and have at read more
Hello everyone, I’m currently experiencing a DNS record issue while trying to issue an SSL certificate for my domain, emiplan.nl. The error indicates that a DNS record is either missing or incorrect, and as a result, the SSL certificate cannot b read more
Hi @Mike13 are you still experiencing this issue?
I just checked your domains DNS records are pointing to HubSpot IPs
https://mxtoolbox.com/...read more
Hello Community, We have been trying to get our current website address( www.protec-terre.org ) to be redirected to this one: https://39979609.hs-sites.com/fr-ca/protec-terre, HS is saying that they see the new website and it is properly se read more
You don't appear to have a homepage defined on your site. The page you are linking to is /fr-ca/protec-terre and because you don't have a homepage yo...read more
Hi We have changed our Brand name and now we need our Brand Domain in HubSpot to match. Our plan does not support Replacing Brand Domains and only supports one Brand Domain. Is there a smarter way to do this than deleting the old and adding th read more
@HElbæk You can delete the current domain and connect another one to your HubSpot account. You will not lose your analytics data, just don't forget...read more
Hi, I recently got an error on my domain page saying that my domain couldn't be validated. It has worked well for a long time but suddenly this changed.
Hi, I've connected Hubspot to my exisiting website which is through IONOS. Everything says it's connected and I have created a landing page with Hubsport that works fine. Landing page https://protect365.co.uk/relevant-life-plan-free-guide- read more
We just turned on the cookie popup banner, but the footprint is larger than my team would like. I'm guessing the code is located on the Custom Style.css page, but I haven't found it yet. Some direction in this regard would be appreciated. TY read more
No, unfortunately, it's one size fits all from Hubspot. One of our software engineers and I discussed the possibility of modifying the code. I believe...read more