I created a webpage, and it was decided we needed another one developed so I built it. Unfortunately the QR codes for a conference which starts on Monday are already created. And the QR code goes to the first page not the second page. I tried to cha read more
@cbierwerth23 since you've already swapped the URLs, everything should be fine. If you're not seeing the right page on mobile, it's likely cache, b...read more
Hi guys, I unpublished a landing page 20 minutes ago but for some reason the URL is still active and still loading. Any ideas how to completely unpublish the LP?
I am using the new CTAs for landing pages etc and noticed that if I set my button and uncheck "Open link in new tab", the embed code generates target ="_blank" instead of target ="_self". As you would imagine, this is very frustrat read more
@TMagnuson -- I checked with the product team and as we concluded, this is not expected behavior. Your account has access to HubSpot Support, so...read more
I want to back up data on some contacts. Some properties, as well as the emails, documents and attachments. I am facing a problem in backing up the emails and attachments because I can't seem to find the properties related to emails and attachments read more
Hi @SMomo ,
It's currently not possible to export contact engagements (notes, tasks, emails, meetings, calls), at least not out-of-the-box. ...read more
Has anyone noticed that the functionality "import Google Doc" is missing? Or is it only something that I am experiencing?
It should be found here: “Advanced” > “Import Google Doc” in the rich text toolbar. I usually choose to browse fo read more
Hi @BERE , If you're not seeing the "Import Google Doc" option in the blog editor, it might be due to a recent update or a specific issue with yo...read more
I have a radio button property 1. If someone clicks option A then multiple properties or a section opens in form. I know it can be done using dependent properties with the logic. But then it shows the dependent property at the top of the form with t read more
In order to do something like this you would either need to custom code a form yourself, or you could try the new form beta ( https://knowledge.hubs...read more
I'm looking to add an app to our project, I can't find anything about how to integrate the Hubspot blog into a private app, which only a certain amount of ppl have access to. Any ideas?
Hey @ZVasile you're not going to be able to embed the full blog within an app without is being publicly accessible. You can get all the information...read more
Currently, my company has a few different areas where we publish content on our website. One area, referred to as "Resources" houses data sheets, case studies, and whitepapers. The resources page has content tiles that when clicked on lead to the a read more
Thanks for the tag @BérangèreL , happy to help @MDudevoir .
Unless your blog is on a separate subdomain, search bots don't see your blog any ...read more
Is it possible to track the contacts in HubSpot who click on a specific button or link on the website in HubSpot? Basically, the link or button contains a booking page which is 3rd party app. I want a list of contacts who click the button for track read more
Hi @SMomo -- Yes, you can use a call to action as suggested by @karstenkoehler or the other option is to use a custom event. Go to event tracking...read more
Hello 🙂 I'm testing the approval process for websites ( official documentation) I've assigned a user that's NOT a superAdmin a permission set which has approvals enabled for website pages However, they are not visible in the approvers read more
Hi @RLicau you're welcome and sorry for any confusion, I temporarily lost my access to the community and after a week away, I was moving through th...read more
This question has completely stumped 2 different HS support agents, but it seems like basic HS functionality? I'm not sure what the disconnect has been. I've built a webpage on HubSpot. I want to point mycompanydomain.com to this page so th read more
Hello @ALJimenez
If I am understnading correctly, you would like to have the page you built on HubSpot to load when a user types in or click...read more
I am creating a round-robin booking scheduler. I need to prioritize a user before the other two contracts. that user is not the owner of the contacts. Do you have any suggestions on how to do it?
Hi @SMomo ,
As far as I know, this is currently not possible. The round robin features in HubSpot are not that sophisticated unfortunately. h...read more