Website homepage 404 error but another page is fine
I'm hoping someone can help me.
I have an issue where my website at is responding with a 404 error. It wasn't working for a couple of days then I managed to get it to work yesterday and now it's back to 404.
My domain is hosted on namecheap and I believe this is all done correctly as another page (a landing page) is showing at
Looking through other possible issues on the website:
Tools > Domains & URLs > Language settings
Page settings > Language
General Page Settings (Page name and slug)
I would appreciate any suggestions about how I could troubleshoot this issue.
Website homepage 404 error but another page is fine
@AndreV I tagged you in another post that is more recent where the issue has been resolved for my site as of 2 hours ago - still TBD if it was a global fix, is your site working now?
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Website homepage 404 error but another page is fine
@AndreV I tagged you in another post that is more recent where the issue has been resolved for my site as of 2 hours ago - still TBD if it was a global fix, is your site working now?
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Website homepage 404 error but another page is fine
@TKennedy4 the other post said the same thing, this was an internal HubSpot error that was fixed across all accounts. If it's happening to your site now, it is likely something different.
Was your site live previously? can you share a link please?
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I am experiencing this issue on my website, as well. My URL is
Followed all steps at, including checking the DNS settings, which all show as OK. I was able to update the website pages and last few blog posts to get those working, but that doesn't appear to be fixing the problem for any blog posts published more than about 5-7 days ago. Cloning and unpublishing/republishing are not an option since the majority of my website is a blog that needs to stay in chronological order.
Have you heard any updates about a permanent fix for this bug? Thanks for any advice you can provide.
ETA: I also checked the language settings on the site and individual pages as advised above. That also didn't help.
Website homepage 404 error but another page is fine
@MCS156 happy to try to help figure out what's going on and find a solution that works for you.
You should be able to unpublish/republish without changing the dates, it should retain your original publish date in the setting - unfortunately, I can't even get to page 3+ of your blog listing because it 404s so I can't even see how many blogs we're talking about.
However, I agree it's not realistic to have to republish everything, there is definitely something happening serverside that is preventing it from picking up your pages.
There are two options, one would be to activate a trial of Marketing Hub Pro in your account (will prompt a 14-day trial and a sales rep will reach out) and it should also let you submit a support ticket - I'm not sure if that's the best way to go about it or if I should even recommend that as a possibility, but support is going to need to review your account directly to get this resolved.
The other option is to have the @CommunityTeam escalate it to support since it's a technical issue and not something we can fix here in the community, but I have no idea what the timing for this would be or how long it would take to resolve.
Either way you'll want to reference HubSpot Support ticket #15668088, this was resolved on July 10th, but I'm not sure if it was fully deployed to all portals or only those facing issues. This ticket has all the info they'll need to hopefully get a fix in place for you quickly.
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Website homepage 404 error but another page is fine
Thanks so much for your reply @Jnix284. I really appreciate your help. The fact that HubSpot hasn't rolled out a fix for this known bug to all users is extremely confusing and frustrating.
@CommunityTeam please consider this an urgent request. As there is a known fix related to Support ticket #15668088 resolved on July 10, I am hopeful that this can be resolved ASAP. Thank you so much for any help you can provide.
Website homepage 404 error but another page is fine
@MCS156 I believe they did release a fix previously that they thought would resolve it for all customers. From my experience with similar technical issues that impact multiple accounts, it can be difficult to pinpoint the cause and oftentimes there is more than one factor that contributes to the issue so the more accounts they can investigate the more comprehensive the solution is. I have full confidence that once this reaches the engineers that they'll find a solution swiftly.
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Website homepage 404 error but another page is fine
Hi @MCS156 and @Jnix284, Thank you for your patience. I have received an update regarding this matter. Specifically for @MCS156's case, the team deployed a fix yesterday. Please let me know if you are still encountering any issues.
Website homepage 404 error but another page is fine
Thank you Diana! Everything appears to be functioning correctly at this time but I'll circle back if I encounter any additional issues. Appreciate the help.
@01927 i did the free pro trial but Diana here was able to help resolve the issue. Hope you'll have yours fixed soon, as well.
Website homepage 404 error but another page is fine
Hi this is interesting as I had this issue just this morning. My homepage 404'd but all other pages fine. It wasn't the DNS or any other settings as nothign else had changed and re publihsing didn't hlep. Funnily enough... once sales gave me the 14 day pro trial to access tech support... after logging out and in again it was fixed! But I'm nervous now following these threads that it could happen again. Unless Hubspot is actively making us pay Pro to fix a bug?! I have asked tech support for a reason why it went down this morning and hope to get a response.
Website homepage 404 error but another page is fine
Hello everyone,
Thank you, @Jnix284, for your valuable suggestions and for the ping regarding this matter. I am currently conducting research to find a solution and will keep you all informed of any developments.
Website homepage 404 error but another page is fine
@Gaurav_Aggarwal I see you were tagged to assist with this issue on another thread so I am looping you in and kindly requesting any assistance you can provide. Thanks!
Website homepage 404 error but another page is fine
@parnelandr thanks for the update - you shouldn't have to clone, you can just unpublish the existing page and then republish it directly.
Someone else reported their site was down this morning and it came back up on it's own, I'm hoping this is a sign that the developers are making progress on the issue.
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