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To track video views on Vidyard/HubSpot videos embedded in webpages, you need to add your HubSpot tracking script to the same web pages as your videos. With both the tracking script and a video on the same page, Vidyard and HubSpot work together to identify viewers and track video engagement on your contact records in HubSpot
I apologize for the product misunderstanding in the post from the other community member.
It's currently not possible to track HubSpot video views in Wordpress because Video tracking and analytics are only compatible with HubSpot Video when embedded on HubSpot hosted content.
Hope this helps clarify!
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2) Are the video files in your HubSpot account also hosted on your Vidyard account? Or, are they separate video files that are embedded on your WordPress site?
3) Are you looking to track video views in HubSpot or Vidyard?
The more information you can include on how your videos are integrated with Vidyard, the better the community can offer advice. Thank you!
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Video tracking and analytics are only compatible with HubSpot Videowhen embedded on HubSpot hosted content(i.e. blog posts, landing pages, website pages, kb articles). We're not able to track analytics such as views when HubSpot videos are embedded on external content such as WordPress, even if the external page has the HubSpot tracking code.
To track video analytics outside of HubSpot-hosted content, here are some alternatives you could consider:
Except I'm finding this part a bit confusing because it's showing the old version of GA:
I'm not sure what to do from here. Can you help?
Also once we solve this part of the problem, will I need to go back through the videos on the website and re-upload them as Vidyard embeds rather than HubSpot embeds? Or will this be syncing since we have the integration?
In regards to your second question, I believe that you would need to re-upload them as Vidyard embeds because there must be a Vidyard player present on your webpage in order for Vidyard's API to be able to pass data to Google Tag Manager.
The HubSpot-Vidyard integration wouldn't be able to pick up on these metrics since your content is embedded in an external CMS.
If you wanted to make the most out of the HubSpot-Vidyard integration for metrics, you may want to consider using the HubSpot CMS instead of WordPress. You can embed Vidyard videos on HubSpot-hosted pages such as web pages or landing pages and track video engagement within HubSpot and build reports.
I hope the resources help for brainstorming purposes 🙂
Please let us know if you have any further questions. We're happy to help!
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