Need help fixing social sharing buttons on Clean Pro theme
I'm hoping someone will be able to help me with this. We use the theme CLEAN Pro for our website, and we've had this issue with our blog template that I haven't been able to figure out.
On every blog post, there are social sharing buttons at the bottom, however one of the buttons is broken. There are "Share" options for Twitter (X), Facebook, and LinkedIn, as well as a "Like" option for Facebook. It is the "Like" button that does not work.
Our buttons look like this:
And once you click the "Like" button, it does this:
I understand why it is broken, as I'm not sure how you even would "like" a website's blog via Facebook if it has not been posted there.
Regardless, I cannot figure out how to edit this module. Edits are not allowed within the blog post editor itself, and if I go to edit the template, I am unable to locate where the "Like" button even resides.
I can find where in the blog post template it says "blog_social_sharing" (see below), but the only CLEAN Pro module I can find with a similar name is "CLEAN - Row - Social Sharing" -- and there is not a "Like" button in there! I only see the "Share" buttons within the HTML.
The only solution I can find is to turn off the social sharing buttons entirely via the theme settings, but I don't want to do that as I like having the "Share" buttons.
What would it require for me to get rid of the "Like" button? Can anyone help me figure it out? I am unable to create any additional child themes for CLEAN Pro, so I'm not really sure what to do.
Rather than modifying the module (which requires a child theme and some complex migration steps for your blog), I would suggest turning off social sharing in the theme as you noted and using a more modern solution instead.
Rather than modifying the module (which requires a child theme and some complex migration steps for your blog), I would suggest turning off social sharing in the theme as you noted and using a more modern solution instead.
feb 22, 202410:55 AM - editado feb 22, 202411:01 AM
Need help fixing social sharing buttons on Clean Pro theme
@Jnix284, thank you so much for your suggestion! This works great.
One question I have is, do you know if there is any way to add ShareThis to the template so that all blog posts have the buttons included? Or will I need to manually drag and drop a module and add the placement code to each blog post? I only ask because we have over 200+ blogs.
I know this is something we were able to do in the past with Listen2It, as that is at the top of each blog we have & any new blogs we go to create. Not sure if this would require creating a child theme, though.