Blog, Website & Page Publishing


Missing Blogs for Pagination


Our blog currently has pagination which shows 8 blogs per page.  I was doing a check of the blogs and it is skipping 4 blogs when we land on the 2nd page.

Has anyone come across this issue? I am unsure what is causing this as this is the code that I currently have. 


<div class="blog-pagination">
   {% if last_page_num %}
   <a class="previous-posts-link" href="{{ blog_page_link(last_page_num) }}"> Prev</a>
   {% endif %}
   {% if next_page_num %}
   <a class="next-posts-link" href="{{ blog_page_link(next_page_num) }}">Next >></a>
   {% endif %}
1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager

Missing Blogs for Pagination

Hi @PYoganathan,


Thank you for reaching out to the Community!


I wanted to tag in a couple of subject matter experts to see if they if they can help: 

hi @Gonzalo@Ian_Matt@Kevin-C, any ideas what could be causing this behavior? Thank you!


Mia, Community Team

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