HubSpot launched the all new website grader! Score your site and get your website's grde (hint: the average website scores 67%).
Once you've gotten your grade, pop your score in here and share what you'll be updating on your site! Any surprises or exciting finds? We want to know!
Hi, this is the score we got in the first go itself testing One change was recommended by Hubspot tool and looking forward to implement it. Will keep you'll updated.
Thank You HubSpot for all these free tools and even educational material! Good Luck everyone.
My Webiste scores 92%, to be honest. It was around 60 to start with. But the grader shows me where it needs improvement - so I did the recommended courses, did a bit of digging and exploring and #Alhamdulillah, got it to 92.
Thank you so much Hubspot
What can I do to increase its performance and make it 100?
Here i got 85 for Its satisfying according to this tool but i know i need to work more on responsiveness and mobile speed issues.
We got 87% on our site. Happy to see that but also ready to get that score much higher. Our biggest improvement is page requests and page speed! Going to work on that with our dev team.
We got a 56, so I guess I'll have to take the course.
After seeing this ranking, I'm happy there's an actionable next step to take - I can't wait to learn from the pros. I believe you have a good chance of winning the highest score!
Mar 12, 202112:21 PM - last edited on Apr 12, 202112:27 PM by jennysowyrda
Introducing the new Website Grader
We got 95% on our site. Happy to see that but also ready to get that score much higher. Our biggest improvement is page requests and page speed! Going to work on that with our dev team. Thanks
I'll be happy when we get to 80-- having some Javascript issues I don't have the technical background to understand but we're working on them. Keep up the good work!
Oct 22, 20203:27 AM - edited Oct 22, 20205:05 AM
Introducing the new Website Grader
We are wondering why we are having the same result every time, even we update our site as per guidelines. It is something the Grader is storing the score result? Why scores are consistent all the time? when we are scanning multiple times result populates in a second. We have tried with different locations/time/internet speed and the result is the same for the same site with Grader. Where Google Lighthouse shows different results every time for the same site.
Hey @matthew-brilman. We too questioned this and really got no good explanations. Have basically abandonded the HS version and use Googles. Why? Well, for us the answer relied in who's really the more important resource. Since Google is the final authority on any all things web and if they say that xy and z are issues, for them to accurately and reliably rank a site, then it's their word that I'm going to be listening to. There are a number of items that are in the HS environment that they say are optimized and running at it's best, yet Google doesnot recognize them and there is really nothing that we can to to change HS.
While not much of an answer and is really just my opinion... Do what you can. Do it the best you can......
The biggest surprise for me was when my blog scored a 72% and hubspot recommended that I do some work on my blog.
There are only 5 blog posts as of this writing, and 5 small thumbnail images and I'm getting dinged for page load speed and having an out of date javascript library.
Crazy part is, my blog is actually hosted on Hubspot and was migrated by the hubspot team from WordPress.
So there's that. Thanks for the good times, website grader. Thanks for the good times.*
* the last line there was delivered with dripping sarcasm.
I feel your frustration. I was able to score a 90 on a new page but in full transparency, I hadn't populated any modules yet.
Turns out we had some CSS and javascript issues stemming from some custom templates we designed a few years back that are causing problems with updates to the CMS.
HubSpot offered to relieve us of that pain with the services of a developer who billed $375 an hour.
We're reviewing other options. In the meantime, good luck with your issues.
While I appreciate Hubspot in creating such a tool. I prefer to use Googles, as they are the ones that are grading our sites, for actual day to day use. And for better or worse, they hold the gold standard that sites are guaged against. 🤷♂️
There are many instances that Google will find fault in the HS code and their answer is that " it is optimized, but Google doesn't recognize the optimization"... HUH? Yea, right.
We got 70% for our website. Our SEO had a perfect score, but we seem to struggle with performance. Image sizes, issues with CSS compression, and high HTTP requests are causing some slower loading times—those will be the areas we can focus our efforts toward.