Blog, Website & Page Publishing


Existing site integrates with HubSpot seamlessly. Now I need to create same for redesigned site.

The client's site integrates with HubSpot via the INSIGHTS link in the main menu. The writers go to HubSpot and create posts. Those posts show up within the site on the site's INSIGHTS page. It looks like you're still on our site, it's seamless.


I have completed setting the redesign. However, I do not have access to anyone who handled the existing HubSpot integration. 


Looking inside HubSpot, at the files, it is difficult to undersand how to reconfigure the existing files (a copy of them) to carry the new design.


I found a place in HubSpot that I am hoping is the answer -- Content Import. My hope is that I can import the new redesign and have it show up in the footer and header of HubSpot (like the current site) and the HubSpot content will flow into the page. 


First, is this correct? If not, I need to reach out to someone who can perform this rebuild.


If it is correct, I still need help. The reason I can't discover this on my own is because in the develpment environment I'm working in I can't set the robots.txt file to allow HubSpot to crawl the new site and pull in the contents. Argh. This also makes wonder if I'm doing all of this in the wrong environment. Is it required that I do this from the server where the live site is? So many things I don't know.


Live site:

- hit the INSIGHTS link to see the HubSpot integration


Dev site:


Thanks a lot for any help on this! 



2 Replies 2
Community Manager
Community Manager

Existing site integrates with HubSpot seamlessly. Now I need to create same for redesigned site.

Hi @PRoberto1 and welcome, we are delighted to have you here! 🎉

Great question, thanks for asking the HubSpot Community!

When you mention "files", which type of content exactly you'd like to import into HubSpot, please?

I'd like to share these resources that might help you:

- Import your content into HubSpot
- Import your blog into HubSpot as a CSV file
- Upload files to use in your HubSpot content

Also, I'd love to put you in touch with some of our Top Experts: Hi @Phil_Vallender, @danmoyle and @Bryantworks do you have suggestions to help @PRoberto1, please?

Have a lovely day and thanks so much! ❤️


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Existing site integrates with HubSpot seamlessly. Now I need to create same for redesigned site.

Thanks for responding Bérangère,


By files I mean the  html/css files that carry the design of our site into HubSpot - the Header and the Footer particularly. We need to continue to have the HubsSpot blog posts display  with a look consistent with the upcoming re-design. 


Also, is there a way to pull in the HubSpot blog posts into my WordPress site? I have located plugins that seem like they might do that. It's very confusing though.


