If you would like to see this feature implemented, I would recommend upvoting this idea in the Ideas Forum and commenting your use case.
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Not delete it, unpublish it so it is not canabalizing traffic, but is still available for testing purposes.
Use Case:
Have a test blog and a live blog - both are currently published - want to unpublish the test blog. Following the linked KBA, it describes how to unpublish a blog POST, not the LISTING PAGE (also called "blog index" in other KBAs). There is no "More" button for a Blog Listing Page (see image - account info & url redacted).
I've spent several days searching for this - it is not intuitive even for an admin with dev skills. The desire is NOT to delete the test instance - but to unpublish so we can use it for testing code changes in the future.
Thank you for pointing that out, and for your feedback.
I've since updated my reply with the proper information and the feature request from the Ideas Forum. I would encourage you to upvote this idea and add this feedback to the idea so our product team can see it.
Thank you,
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