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We use the wasabi template for our site - my animated subheadings on the home page suddenly stopped working: they dont appear at all and only the static main heading appears. When I unclick the animated subheadings, the first subheading appeears as a a fixed part of the main heading. How can I get the animated headings to work again?
Hey @CEls there's not really a single answer for this, it's entirely dependent on how the animations were built in the first place. It's possible the developer created a toggle to turn this on and off, or that there has been some code changes/conflicts causing this issue either. It's impossible to tell without seeing the page itself really. It does look like the wasabi theme was built by this developer:
Hey @CEls there's not really a single answer for this, it's entirely dependent on how the animations were built in the first place. It's possible the developer created a toggle to turn this on and off, or that there has been some code changes/conflicts causing this issue either. It's impossible to tell without seeing the page itself really. It does look like the wasabi theme was built by this developer: