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Ask Us Anything About Marketing Hub Updates @ INBOUND 2018
UPDATE: Thank you for participating in the INBOUND 2018 Marketing Hub AMA. This AMA is now closed. If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out on the Marketing Forum.
Next week at INBOUND, HubSpot will launch a number of new products that will help you grow better. A number of these new products and features will be within the Marketing Hub. To celebrate, experts from HubSpot’s product and marketing teams will be answering your questions next week on how you can start growing better with HubSpot.
This thread is meant for asking questions about product updates within the Marketing Hub. If you have questions about product updates in the Sales or Service Hub, we have separate threads for that as well.
This AMA will start on Friday, September 7 at 11:30 AM EST. The team will be answering questions starting then, but feel free to start adding questions now, and the team will begin answering them on Friday.
This thread is to ask questions about HubSpot's new products features. If you have an idea for how we can improve our product going forward, please post those on our Ideas Forum.
Ask Us Anything About Marketing Hub Updates @ INBOUND 2018
Is there any way, or will there be down the road, to connect multiple pillar topics/clusters together? Or any way to build a tool that shows the topic clusters visually all together?
For instance, we have the topic "Marketing" as a pillar. A spoke to that is "social media marketing." However, that also has content clustered around it: ie "instagram marketing," "facebook marketing." And from there, each of those posts has topics clustered around them. Currently, no post can be in two pillars, and it's difficult to think about all the content together.
Ask Us Anything About Marketing Hub Updates @ INBOUND 2018
Hi all,
Thanks for the reply. Building out something akin to parent/child relationships between topic clusters, or functionality to connect topic clusters to one another isn't on the product roadmap at this point in time. While cross-linking related content is a good thing, we don't want to create a situation where this is broadly done across all your topics. At that point, topics could begin to blend together, and it could become more difficult for search engines to recognize your authority on a given topic --- effectively negating the benefit of organizing your content into topic clusters in the first place.
We are considering ways to make it easier to re-organize your content as your site grows. We appreciate your feedback as we look to further build out content strategy.
Ask Us Anything About Marketing Hub Updates @ INBOUND 2018
@agirard, I can understand your point and this may ultimately lie with the abilities or lack there of, of the search engines.
I think what we may be imagining, or at least me... For Example: Writing a piece of content about internal combustion engines. That piece of content would be applicable to be a support document for pilar pages about Fords, Chevys or Aston Martins.....
Ask Us Anything About Marketing Hub Updates @ INBOUND 2018
There are also pillars that we offer that serve as connectors to many others. For instance, a "Job Descriptions" pillar has "Marketing Job Descriptions" as an article. But that article also connects to that "Marketing" pillar. But there's no way currently to visualize this or measure that this creates a web, not clean/easy pillars.
Ask Us Anything About Marketing Hub Updates @ INBOUND 2018
I've been trying to get into HubSpot's new product, HubSpot Video, and am having issues navigating it. When I was build a landing page tester it automoated me to install the integration, but I'm still have trouble looking for things like ex. where I can create forms natively on the videos.
Ask Us Anything About Marketing Hub Updates @ INBOUND 2018
Does your service hub now allow uploading of other knowledge base files (i.e. XML files) into HubSpot's Knowledge Base or do you offer a service like Drift who upload your previous Knowledge Base for a set fee of $300?
Ask Us Anything About Marketing Hub Updates @ INBOUND 2018
Hey HSVS -
Thanks for your question. The Service Hub doesn't allow the importing of other knowledge base files at this time, nor do we offer an upload service internally.
Ask Us Anything About Marketing Hub Updates @ INBOUND 2018
Are there any plans to allow HubSpot hosted videos to be embedded on external sites / pages that are not hosted on HubSpot? That would really change the way we can use video.
Ask Us Anything About Marketing Hub Updates @ INBOUND 2018
Hi Guha --
Ari from Product Marketing at HubSpot here. Great question, thanks for sending it along. At this time, HubSpot videos can only be hosted on HubSpot pages. In the future, if you're a paid Vidyard customer, you will be able to take HS videos off-platform, and get some level of analytics within HubSpot.
It seems that the search results do not include blog posts, is that expected behaviour? If so, is there a recommended way to include blog posts in the results?
Ask Us Anything About Marketing Hub Updates @ INBOUND 2018
This FAQ doc has a lot of information regarding the expected behavior for site search. By default, HubSpot site search should return all HubSpot hosted content. It's important to note that if you host your blog externally from HubSpot, site search will not index this content. At this time, site search is specifically for content that you host on HubSpot.
Are you blocking your blog from being indexed by search engines? If so, that will also block your blog from appearing within site search results.
A developer can also follow this documentation to manipulate the results that appear. Is it possible that the domain your blog is hosted on has been excluded?
Let me know if any of these possible explanations gets to the root of your issue!
Ask Us Anything About Marketing Hub Updates @ INBOUND 2018
At this time, you can only hyperlink text within a chat message. You cannot insert a CTA within a chat. What you could potentially do as an alternative to a CTA, is use a tracking URL within your chats. This would allow you to gather data on how many people have clicked a specific link within your chat messages.
Ask Us Anything About Marketing Hub Updates @ INBOUND 2018
Glad to hear you like the new email editor! We’re aware that the new email editor currently doesn’t support A/B Testing, and are actively working on including this so that Marketing Hub Professional and Enterprise users can continue to use this feature when creating emails in the new editor. Stay tuned!