
Von: HubSpot-Alumnus/Alumna

Heads Up: Archiving Legacy Ideas Forum Threads

Hey folks!

As the Community grows, it's important for us to keep it clean and orderly so Community users can find the content they're looking for.


Currently, there are over 12,000 Ideas Forum posts, the majority of which haven't been upvoted in years. These threads congest the Ideas Forum, making it difficult for HubSpotters and Community users to find the feature request they're looking for.


Today, we've begun archiving these legacy Ideas to improve the Ideas Forum for HubSpotters and users alike. This will help users find and upvote the threads they're looking for, which helps Product team members identify and respond to the most-coveted feature requests.


When a thread is archived, it has not been deleted, so we still have a record of the upvotes and comments for future use.


You can tell if you are viewing an archived Idea if you see this lock screen.


If you identify a thread you believe shouldn't be archived, please contact HubSpot support. 




Ideas Forum Manager