
by: Community Manager
Community Manager

Earth Day 2023

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Hey Community, Earth Day is just around the corner! 


Earth Day is an annual event that occurs on April 22nd.


Did you know that Earth Day came into existence in 1970 as a result of the modern environmental movement? In 1990, the day went global with 200 million people in over 140 nations participating in the celebration.  


Today, 1 billion people from over 193 countries participate in globally coordinated events on Earth Day and even before during Earth Week.  


This year’s theme is Invest In Our Planet


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This year HubSpot is joining the celebration by offering a digital global volunteering opportunity, a seminar, a panel discussion to empower HubSpotters to take action toward a more sustainable future, and a variety of in-office events! 


Here are some ways you can invest in our planet now:

  • Organize a community cleanup.
  • Skip plastic, buy glass or paper products.
  • Pick up trash while you run or walk. 
  • Advocate for climate education.

Share in the comments below how you are getting involved this Earth Day, and tag a friend to help you make a positive impact on our environment this April.


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