Hi Team, I'm looking for advice on creating a successful Search Campaign. Could you please share your suggestions and insights on the following aspects?
Goal Setting : What are the crucial goals we should set for a successful Search Campa 続きを読む
Hi Hubspot Community, Facebook ad reports recently just stopped working for us on the 6th of Aug. The export delivered succesfully, and is downloadable, but when we download it the CSV is blank apart from the date and account name. We have tried 続きを読む
On a free HubSpot portal, there is a limit of ten custom properties. Facebook instant forms seem to create custom properties based on the questions asked within the form. In one portal, we have three custom contact properties which have been cr 続きを読む
I managed to solve the issue by finding, and archiving the form in question, and the properties are no longer in use anywhere (around a 15 minute del...続きを読む
I have been trying to do my ads data export for the weekend and i press the export button as usual and the export isnt working. I dont get the email with the report and its not showing in the notification section. Does anyone know why this could be 続きを読む
I have some clients that work with other agencies in meta ads, I used to connect hubspot so they can have a place to see the contacts from the campaigns I work for them, but since March 1st, contacts from campaigns in other ad accounts from the othe 続きを読む
Running paid Instagram ads and consistent posting, but struggling to convert views into sales. What strategies can I implement to improve conversion rates?
Hello @YabaJayne ! I can give you three pointers: 1. Check the quality of the ad. Is it attractive enough? Does it stand out? 2. Are you offeri...続きを読む
Hi, Objective: know which campaigns my leads come from I've linked Hubspot to Google ads. Impressions and clicks appear on Hubspot, but not leads. Consequently, in the "contact" tab, when I add the "source of origin" column, all my contacts 続きを読む
I need immediate help. I connected my Google Ads account and LinkedIn Ads account. From there Hubspot automatically turned on my campaigns without my consent. They wasted HUNDREDS of dollars and coud potentially put my job at risk. I'm than 続きを読む
I attempted setting up facebook integrations and it appeared I was successful doing that however when I went to post an ad I was unable to find my page in the drop down menu. Will someone kindly advise what action I am missing. Thank you! 続きを読む
Hi, yes it says connected to ad account. I have a published ad running. However when I go to create an ad using hubspot it recognizes my ad account bu...続きを読む
I have a question regarding notifications when runnig a lead generation ad through facebook with the ad account connected to hubspot. Where do I get notifications from when I get a lead through the lead generation ad?
Hi @EmirAlsaedi , You can set-up the automation to receive the lead generation notifications. Chek the below articles: https://knowledge.hubspot...続きを読む