

Tracking Phone Conversions In HubSpot Ads


Hi community! 

I've been trying to solve this issue for years. How do you get an accurate HubSpot ad dashboard when you cannot track phone call conversions??


We currently use Call Tracking Metrics but it doesn't push in the drill-down sources 1 or 2. And HubSpot doesn't make them possible to edit so it's very difficult to track ROI since we are missing out on a majority of our conversions. 


Is there anyway around this to make sure that call conversions get pushed into the HubSpot ad dashboard?

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Autoridade no assunto | Parceiro Elite
Autoridade no assunto | Parceiro Elite

Tracking Phone Conversions In HubSpot Ads


Hello, @LSunstrum I did not experience such an issue. But I can give few suggestions not sure if this will definitely work but you can try 😊

You have to Integrate Call Tracking Metrics with HubSpot. If you are using Call Tracking Metrics for call tracking, you can try integrating it with HubSpot to push call data into your ad dashboard. This will help you see the complete picture of your ad performance and track the return on investment of your ad campaigns.

Use Call Tracking Numbers on Your Landing Pages. If you use unique call tracking numbers on your landing pages, you can track calls from specific campaigns and see the results in your ad dashboard. This will help you understand which campaigns are driving the most phone calls and where you should focus your efforts.

Utilize Call Tracking Scripts. If you have access to your website's HTML, you can add call tracking scripts to track phone call conversions. This will allow you to track phone calls as conversions in your ad dashboard, helping you see the complete picture of your ad performance.

Thanks & Regards
Himanshu Rauthan

Digital Marketing & Inbound Expert In Growth Hacking Technology

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Autoridade no assunto | Parceiro Elite
Autoridade no assunto | Parceiro Elite

Tracking Phone Conversions In HubSpot Ads


Hello, @LSunstrum I did not experience such an issue. But I can give few suggestions not sure if this will definitely work but you can try 😊

You have to Integrate Call Tracking Metrics with HubSpot. If you are using Call Tracking Metrics for call tracking, you can try integrating it with HubSpot to push call data into your ad dashboard. This will help you see the complete picture of your ad performance and track the return on investment of your ad campaigns.

Use Call Tracking Numbers on Your Landing Pages. If you use unique call tracking numbers on your landing pages, you can track calls from specific campaigns and see the results in your ad dashboard. This will help you understand which campaigns are driving the most phone calls and where you should focus your efforts.

Utilize Call Tracking Scripts. If you have access to your website's HTML, you can add call tracking scripts to track phone call conversions. This will allow you to track phone calls as conversions in your ad dashboard, helping you see the complete picture of your ad performance.

Thanks & Regards
Himanshu Rauthan

Digital Marketing & Inbound Expert In Growth Hacking Technology

Tracking Phone Conversions In HubSpot Ads


Hi this is very use ful,


How can I do this - If you use unique call tracking numbers on your landing pages, you can track calls from specific campaigns and see the results in your ad dashboard. This will help you understand which campaigns are driving the most phone calls and where you should focus your efforts.

Utilize Call Tracking Scripts. If you have access to your website's HTML, you can add call tracking scripts to track phone call conversions. This will allow you to track phone calls as conversions in your ad dashboard, helping you see the complete picture of your ad performance.

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