

Problem: Facebook ads doesn´t receive information about leads that are being generated in Hubspot


Hi there! please I need some help with this.


Facebook ads campaing doesn´t receive information about the leads that are being generated in Hubspot through the ads created. 


Important: we are running one dynamic facebook ads campaign and using Hubspot landing page and contact form. Facebook is also connected to Hubspot. 


Looks like Hubspot is not sending back the "lead event" to Facebook. Any idea about how to solve this issue?


(if you see the screenshots, you will see Hubspot say there are 2 leads but facebook doesn´t have this information)


Thanks in advance,  

María Fernanda


Facebook Ads Campaign no register leads from HubspotFacebook Ads Campaign no register leads from HubspotLeads notified in Hubspot through dynamic facebook adLeads notified in Hubspot through dynamic facebook ad

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Thought Leader | Platinum Partner

Problem: Facebook ads doesn´t receive information about leads that are being generated in Hubspot


Hey @FMarió HubSpot doesn't feed any data back to facebook for analytics, so these need to be set up seperately. You need to use google tag manager to fire a tag for the facebook pixel on form submission. I actually just implemented this for a client, there's a great guide on how to do it here. 

Tom Mahon
Technical Consultant | Solutions Engineer | Community Champion
Baskey Digitial

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Thought Leader | Platinum Partner
Thought Leader | Platinum Partner

Problem: Facebook ads doesn´t receive information about leads that are being generated in Hubspot


Hey @FMarió HubSpot doesn't feed any data back to facebook for analytics, so these need to be set up seperately. You need to use google tag manager to fire a tag for the facebook pixel on form submission. I actually just implemented this for a client, there's a great guide on how to do it here. 

Tom Mahon
Technical Consultant | Solutions Engineer | Community Champion
Baskey Digitial

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Problem: Facebook ads doesn´t receive information about leads that are being generated in Hubspot


Hey @TomM2 

2 Questions.


1. You mentioned GTM needs to be used for this. Where do I connect my GTM to my Hubspot/Hubspot Website Pages/Hubspot Landing pages.

Do I need to do this once or sepatately for each page.



2. Sending a Lead event back to Facebook is often the start, are you also able to send enough parameters for proper matching/high quality conversions? Parameters such as click id, first name, last name etc