Meta ads Performance goal for a Telegram community
Hey guys,
I've been running a Lead campaign with a landing page that has a button leading to a Telegram channel. I've made a Pixel event that I optimize for (upon telegram channel button click). However, I get around 40 button clicks per day, out which only around 15 actually join the channel. I spend between $1.2-1.5 per lead (button click) and the actual people who end up paying for the service is very low. I get to see competitors ads very often, and most of them have lots of creatives, which means they are probably optimizing for another goal. What would you recommend trying? I'm thinking of 2-second video view for my video creative. What's left for the image creatives is probably landing page views or impressions. Thank you in advance!
So if you're getting 15 people ou of 40 clicks to join a community, that's 37% for a conversion rate. At first glance that seems like a really good conversoin rate, considering so many brands are asking us to join communities today. Can you compare that rate against industry standards somewhere? That would be my first thought.
I think adding a video creative could be a good test. I'd also ensure the copy aligns exacctly along the journey, so that the prospects know exactly what they're getting at the click.
I think you're on the right track, and testing incremental changes will help to see increases and decreases in conversion rates.
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Meta ads Performance goal for a Telegram community
Hey Dan,
Thanks for your reply! 37% conversion rate sounds great at first, until you look further. I will break it down for you:
- Daily budget is $50 - $1500/month.
- Average channel joins per day is 15
- For the last 30 days, the number of people who joined through the link and actually subscribed for a service is 5. Average spend per person is around $50, making a profit of $250. I need at least 30 clients a month to break even.
Thanks to organic reach, reputation and Telegram algorithm, I manage to end up the month in profit, even with Meta ads eating lots of it. Ending the ads is not an option as I want to put the company on the same level as it's competitors, who are also running multiple ads.
It sounds like you're facing challenges with conversion from button clicks to actual channel joins and paying customers. Optimizing for video views can be a good strategy, as it may attract more engaged users who are interested in your content.
You might also explore retargeting users who clicked the button but didn't join the channel, as this can help re-engage potential leads. Lastly, analyze your landing page's content and messaging to ensure it aligns with what users expect when they click the button, as this can significantly impact conversion rates.
Meta ads Performance goal for a Telegram community
Thank you for your quick response! I've tried 2 versions of landing page - one clean, with just a button and one more detailed, which includes more information, testimonials, results etc.. Of course the detailed has higher conversion rate (channel joins), but still low for the money I am paying. I went through all campaigns and made a list of performance goal options that may be compatible with what I am searching for. Apart from the 2-second video views, what's your opinion on Impressions and Landing page views performance goals? As for the retargeting, since I've never done it before, should I run a Leads/Conversion campaign with the custom audience again, or it can be another one that would get shown to them a lot often? Thank you again!
Meta ads Performance goal for a Telegram community
Hi @cmm453! Welcome to the Community-- happy to have you here 😊
I understand you are looking for recommendations to optimize your Meta ad content. Hey @TomM2, @Adriane, or @danmoyle, do y'all have any advice for @cmm453?
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