

Invalid ad creative - contact tracking error


I receive errors for my carousel traffic ads in Facebook in Hubspot: 


Anyone an idea how to tackle tracking error?


I do not have this issue with engagement and awareness ads.

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Invalid ad creative - contact tracking error


Hi @karstenkoehler,


We have probably found the issue ourselves. We use PAC carousel ads. These don't seem supported by Hubspot tracking.


Ads that use Placement Asset Customization (PAC) carousel format cannot be tracked. Standard carousel ads can be tracked.


However, for us, it is important that the stories and the reels have an adapted format compared to the feed, as square visuals don't work very well for stories and reels. Any solutions you have in mind?

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Invalid ad creative - contact tracking error


Hi @SBlocq,


Please check the ad directly in Facebook, as the error message stages. This might be due to an invalid crop size, see here, or a similar issue. In any case, you should see error when editing it directly in Facebook. Once you see the full error explanation, you can fix it right there.


Best regards!

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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Invalid ad creative - contact tracking error


Hi Karsten, that's likely not the issue. Hubspot erroneously identifies an "invalid crop size" on a pretty consistent basis. My guess is that HS is only detecting the original media upload, not the placement-specific media edits. In eitherr case, it's a pretty annoying glitch. 

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Invalid ad creative - contact tracking error


Hi @karstenkoehler,


We have probably found the issue ourselves. We use PAC carousel ads. These don't seem supported by Hubspot tracking.


Ads that use Placement Asset Customization (PAC) carousel format cannot be tracked. Standard carousel ads can be tracked.


However, for us, it is important that the stories and the reels have an adapted format compared to the feed, as square visuals don't work very well for stories and reels. Any solutions you have in mind?

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Invalid ad creative - contact tracking error


Hi Karsten,


Thanks for the swift reply. I had already check this suggested knowledge page. There not one error in the adsmanager of Meta. And none of the ad creatives have aspect ratio 1.91:1. It seems to be a problem only with traffic ads that are redirected to a landingpage or websitepage.



For instance, the top 2 campaigns are in-meta lead forms, whereas the two on the bottom have the goal of generating leads on a landing page.

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