

Business Units: Leads from second Facebook page are being attributed to the account business unit


I have 2 business units, let's call them A & B.


Both facebook pages for A & B have been added to the hubspot account and have lead syncing on.


Leads that come through page B are automatically assigned to business unit A. I cannot find a way to change how the Facebook page is assigned.


It is creating issues with enquiry not being assigned in a timely manner or going to the wrong business.

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Business Units: Leads from second Facebook page are being attributed to the account business unit



Thanks for that, unfortunately it doesn't solve my issue.


The Facebook page has been assigned to Business Unit B, but the forms that get created in Meta are automatically assigned to the account business unit. And I can't change them.



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Business Units: Leads from second Facebook page are being attributed to the account business unit

Hi @KBoyer1,

Thank you for getting back to me!

I would then recommend connecting with HubSpot Technical Support, as Support is included in your subscription and they will be able to provide real-time assistance for this matter, including hopping on a screenshare if necessary.

Thanks a lot!


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Business Units: Leads from second Facebook page are being attributed to the account business unit

Hi @KBoyer1, I hope that you are well!

Great question, thanks for asking the Community!

First, I'd like to share some articles that might be of interest:

- Associate your assets with business units
- Manage brands with business units

Also, I have found similar threads that might help you:

- The solution from @karstenkoehler on this post "Associate contacts with a business unit"
- The solution from @Jnix284 on this post "Managing contact sharing with 'Business Units'"

I hope this helps!

Have a brilliant day!


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