Tracking code in inspect view perfect yet not loading data into portal
Hi user brainstrust 🙂
Help - has anyone else experienced this, please?
I've checked numerous source codes on a customer's website and the tracking code appears as it should. Yet I do not see any data in the portal as yet.
The Tracking code was added manually rather than using the WP HS Plugin. It is on each page, I've done the cmdf search on each web page. The tracking code also appears correctly per the checking instructions HS has provided to see if its firing properly. (attached - I see the green light and 200 OK)
I cannot get any 1:1 help with HS through chat as the portal in question is currently a free account.
Does a contact have to submit a form on the website for data to record in their contact record activity screen?
Yes, you either need a form conversion or a direct link, e.g. sending a HS marketing email to contacts, these contacts click links and get to the website - the system needs some way to tie any old random visitor back to an exisiting, known contact. If that does not exist then it won't be able to tie page views to a contact.
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Tracking code in inspect view perfect yet not loading data into portal
@franksteiner79 Here is the screenshot, apologies, I thought it was attached previously. Website URL: I've tried the incognito approach - doesn't log Not using the cookie banner no. Not had any issues like this previously with a free HS account. Note that the website does not have a form to complete - this is why I asked the question above.
Yes, you either need a form conversion or a direct link, e.g. sending a HS marketing email to contacts, these contacts click links and get to the website - the system needs some way to tie any old random visitor back to an exisiting, known contact. If that does not exist then it won't be able to tie page views to a contact.
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Tracking code in inspect view perfect yet not loading data into portal
Hi Frank
Yes, fair question however the portal ids match.
I am getting some data to feed through to a dashboard report I have set up, yet I am not seeing any data in any contact record, re page views, links clicked on the website.
Here is what I can see on the report dashboard, attached.