We have changed our account timezone settings from IST (GMT +5:30) to GMT.
Yet whenever a new contact is created, the time at which the contact is created is still in IST. All other times shown in Hubspot such time at which mail was sent, time at which contact was modified etc are all still in IST? Is there a way we can change these times to GMT?
Thanks for sending the screenshots along! The timezone that shows for your logged and tracked emails will pull from the timezone of your computer as opposed to in your portal.
For reporting, this is potentially a deal killer. When you're reporting on deals that close in December, you mean deals that close in December. Period. When a rep says a deal is closing on 12/31 and HS assumes 12/31 at 5pm MST (our timezone), it shows up as a January deal in calculations because 12/31 5pm MST is 1/1 GMT.
It is December 2021 in a world that is remote/distributed. Employees for companies worldwide have now been working remotely across different times zones for years and all tools (Asana, Slack, Gsuit, Jira, Outlook, etc...) allow each user to set their time zone in each tool.
Since this issue was reported in September 2018 (3 years ago) did HubSpot finally fix this issue?
If not could you please escalate since this is a critical issue and this is a basic must-have feature?
Hi, I cleared the cache and checked Safari and Chrome from multiple laptops but the problem still persists. I have attached a few screenshots. Contact history is being stored in IST.Settings have been changed to GMT.Contacts are being created at IST. (Even contacts that are being created with Zapier (has been set to GMT) are facing the same problem)
Thanks for sending the screenshots along! The timezone that shows for your logged and tracked emails will pull from the timezone of your computer as opposed to in your portal.
Sep 19, 20183:34 AM - edited Sep 19, 20183:36 AM
Timezone issue
Hi Jenny,
I see. Is there a way that the 'Create Date' of a contact can be switched to GMT? We're using Hubspot's API to load all our data into a data warehouse where all other data barring the data in Hubspot is in GMT.
So I have to change the timezone on my computer if I want timezones in Hubspot to change?
What's the point then of changing the default timezone in order to have all staff working in Hubspot using the same timezone? I can change the timezone on calendars like Google Calendar and Gmail, and even Outlook. But not Hubspot??? That appears to be a design flaw.
Your solution is that I instruct all employees to change the timezone on their computers and that is unacceptable.
Our head office is in Australia, with my satellite office in Denver, CO (USA).
Our sequences are going out at random times (3.00am etc..)
Our local timezones on our computers are set to MDT (local timezone) so the feedback on this ticket is definitely wrong. The HubSpot portal is set to the head office timezone for Queensland Australia.
Do we have to set our send times to Aussie time? If so, this completely nullifies the use of the 'send at the best time' feature for us.