Not authorized to import contacts on the Administrator account?
I need to import contact lists into Hubspot Marketing Free. I am using the Administrator account. I was able to import CSV files only a few days ago, but now, the import button is faded out and I am told I am not authorised to import contacts now. Why is this? How is this possible, and how can I start importing right away?
Mar 24, 201710:27 AM - edited Mar 24, 201710:27 AM
HubSpot Product Team
Not authorized to import contacts on the Administrator account?
Hey @V-Rhonda kudos for researching further in the Community before I got back to you!
This is in fact the case, to be able to proceed with contact imports, editing records you will need to get set up with the free HubSpot CRM.
Marketing Free allows you to make an intitial import, but henceforth all data is based on contact's sumbissions on your Collected Forms. The CRM tool allows you to further manage these contacts.
You don't need to switch accounts, you can simply add on the CRM to your existing account and use both the CRM tools and Marketing free tools together. There will be no negative impact, simply the option to do more with your contact database.
To get started with the CRM navigate to Settings, Products & Add-Ons (check it out here). From here you can set up the CRM. Full details on what the CRM is, how it works and how you can use it can be found here: Getting Started with the CRM
You might also find this article super useful (it covers detailed posts on contact imports): HubSpot CRM FAQs ...and answers! wroitten by our very own @sjudson/
Not authorized to import contacts on the Administrator account?
To add on here for future - you can perform unlimited imports into Marketing using the Import Wizard by Import2 (disclaimer, I work for Import2), without having the Sales CRM enabled.
If you do imports regularly, this tool can help you bypass those limitations in the Hubspot CSV import, such as setting record relationships and importing engagements as well.
Not authorized to import contacts on the Administrator account?
Hey @V-Rhonda are you still experiencing this issue? Could you please confirm whether you are using a CRM or Marketing account and, if possible, confirm your HUB ID and provide some screenshots?
Thanks for getting back to me soo soon - you're a star, I've been swamped.
Yes, I'm still experiencing this issue. I am using HubSpot Marketing Free. I think that's CRM? I'm not sure, maybe you could help me though. First day that I used it I was importing contacts with no issue! Ever since then, I haven't had the "permission" to import or even edit (so now my contacts have spelling mistakes on them too arghgh). I'll show you what I am seeing here in the attached pictures:
Not authorized to import contacts on the Administrator account?
Hi @roisinkirby - another thing. I see on this thread here that someone else possibly had the same issue? I am also on Marketing Free, however, I am puzzled because I was able to import on Marketing Free on the first day I used it?:
Mar 24, 201710:27 AM - edited Mar 24, 201710:27 AM
HubSpot Product Team
Not authorized to import contacts on the Administrator account?
Hey @V-Rhonda kudos for researching further in the Community before I got back to you!
This is in fact the case, to be able to proceed with contact imports, editing records you will need to get set up with the free HubSpot CRM.
Marketing Free allows you to make an intitial import, but henceforth all data is based on contact's sumbissions on your Collected Forms. The CRM tool allows you to further manage these contacts.
You don't need to switch accounts, you can simply add on the CRM to your existing account and use both the CRM tools and Marketing free tools together. There will be no negative impact, simply the option to do more with your contact database.
To get started with the CRM navigate to Settings, Products & Add-Ons (check it out here). From here you can set up the CRM. Full details on what the CRM is, how it works and how you can use it can be found here: Getting Started with the CRM
You might also find this article super useful (it covers detailed posts on contact imports): HubSpot CRM FAQs ...and answers! wroitten by our very own @sjudson/
Not authorized to import contacts on the Administrator account?
Hi Roisin
I posted about the same problem a while ago but didn't get a response. So I have checked products/add ons and I have the CRM (Sales not Marketing) and the import contacts is still greyed out. I am the only user for my company so I'm not sure why permissions would apply. Can you help as I'd love to use HubSpot
Not authorized to import contacts on the Administrator account?
Hey @mclls could you provide some further context on how you are attempting to import companies? Check out this knowledge article and let me know at which stage of these steps you hit a roadblock: How do I import companies to the CRM?
Not authorized to import contacts on the Administrator account?
Hey @audiochaos could you clarify? Are you saying that even when you enter your intials you aren't able to proceed to the next step? If you could share a screenshot of this behavior it would be very useful - thank you!