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My users are not supposed to see the names of other users in our Hubspot company account. As admin I already denied them the rights for the section "Admin" by clicking on "Settings" - "Users&Teams". However. these users still see all other users when going to "Settings" - "Users&Teams" themselves.
This seems off to me. Is this a bug or have I missed a box when setting their access rights?
Update: HubSpot has now added 'Access User Table' as an option in the User and Teams settings. Thanks to @Flora for updating us.
It's not possible to hide users from other users in the settings page. If you think this would be valuable to add, please suggest it over in the ideas forum.
Echoing that this is a NEED. If we are expected to put entire sales teams into Hubspot, or freelancers that do social media posting, or interns that are learning the system, we need to be able to control their access to systems, users, and settings. Agreeing with @bianca2 that this is a privacy concern.
The best way for you to show your interest for this is to upvote the Idea that Bianca2 mentioned here. You can also Follow the Idea to get all the updates, and leave a comment to the post. The Ideas Forum is the main platform for communicating feature requests to our Product Team. You have more info on how this forum works here.
I have multiple Hub Ids that use my same email but the other users can not see the portal they are not part of. I means I need to toggle back and forth. Would this help?
Update: HubSpot has now added 'Access User Table' as an option in the User and Teams settings. Thanks to @Flora for updating us.
It's not possible to hide users from other users in the settings page. If you think this would be valuable to add, please suggest it over in the ideas forum.
avr. 5, 201911:42 AM - modifié avr. 8, 20193:11 AM
Leader d'opinion
How can I hide users from other users?
Ok @bianca2 ... Just like there's "no crying in baseball', there's 'no hiding users in HubSpot'. In fact, the HubSpot Learning Center link in your portal not only shows names, but shows all of the HubSpot certifications to all users for all users as well.
No hiding from us. haha 🙂
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